Brisith World Para Swimming World Series Squad Announced

by SwimSwam 4

February 14th, 2018 News, Paralympic & IPC Swimming

Press Release courtesy of British Swimming

The squad features a mixture of experienced swimmers, with some emerging talent – giving many the opportunity to hone their skills before heading off to the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games in April.

It is the first event in the 2018 WPS World Series, which will come to Ponds Forge Sheffield later in the year giving British para-swimmers the opportunity to compete in front of a home crowd.

Craig Nicholson, Team Leader, said: “We have a strong team heading to Copenhagen in what is set to be a busy year for our para-swimmers.

“Each of our athletes will be working to their own processes, whether developing international competition skills or working on specific racing strategies.

“It is great the World Series will be coming to Sheffield this year and our swimmers will be given the opportunity to compete in front of British fans.”

The squad includes:

Jordan Catchpole

Stephan Clegg

Louise Fiddes

Jonathan Fox 

Thomas Hamer 

James Hollis

Oliver Hynd  

Abby Kane

Jacob Leach

Conner Morrison

Andrew Mullen 

Zara Mullooly

Megan Richter

Eleanor Robinson 

Toni Shaw

Maisie Summers-Newton

Lewis White 

Matthew Wylie

The event will run at the Bellahøj Swimming Stadium from 2-4 March.

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7 years ago

Seems the Brits are set then.
In the real world we call that a conflict of interests.

7 years ago

This meet also serves as one of the first ‘re-classification’ opportunities. The following noteable swimmers, among a total of 71, are to be re-evaluated under the new rules. The outcome from this re-evaluation will be interesting. It is also interesting to note GBs Craig Nicholson Team Leader position, given his involvement with WPS Para Swimming Classification at the most senior level. One can only hope the appointed classifiers are a match for him and are not at the junior level appointed for Rio 2016 and Indianapolis 2017.

Elizabeth Marks S7
Leanne Smith S4

Megan Richter S8
Lewis White S9
Matthew Wylie S9
Jonathan Fox S7
Oliver Hynd S8

Shelby… Read more »

Reply to  LMA
7 years ago

Elizabeth Marks is now an amputee so will be interesting to see if she goes up in class.

Reply to  Mary
7 years ago

Yes & presenting for classification just 8 months after surgery. Given the ‘complexities’ behind her classification one has to wonder if she is indeed in proper shape to present for classification i.e. has she recovered sufficiently to resume high level training? I’m sure there used to be a rule governing when one could attend classification but it seems to be just another one that is ignored by the NGBs and not policed by the IPC.