Belmont Plaza Olympic pool requesting historical information, pool records from fans

The Belmont Plaza Olympic Pool, in the midst of a large-scale renovation, has requested more information from knowledgeable parties about the rich historical tradition of the pool.

The Belmont Pool Revitalization project is looking for photos, copies of newspaper articles or meet programs from some of the big-name meets to call Belmont home over the years, including the 1968 Olympic Trials, the 1969 AAU Nationals, the 1976 Olympic Trials and multiple Water Polo and Swimming NCAA Championships.

The group is also looking to update the pool records board, where the records appear to be about 20 years old. Anyone who knows of a Belmont Pool record broken in the past 20 years is encouraged to send that info, or even documentation of the swim, to the project organizers.

All of this information can be sent to the following address:

Dino D’Emilia, PE
Belmont Pool Revitalization Project Manager
C/O AndersonPenna Partners, Inc.
20280 Acacia Street
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Or you can e-mail Dino here: [email protected]

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10 years ago

Could you post what they have as a starting point? That would help serve as a base, and if anybody knows of faster times, then they can send those.

Reply to  Dan
10 years ago

Dan, I’ll try to post something this weekend for SCY. I’ve been looking so far at some of the past Grand Prix meets from 2007-2010. Pac 10 swims could be faster. I don’t know if any USA Swimming SCM meets were ever held there, so most of those records might be from Masters meets. If anyone has more ideas on where to find meet results, please reply here.

10 years ago

The pool is new… why should records from the past be of any relevance to the new pool. It will be a new tank, different depth… therefore, new records!

But if they need results et all, contact Mary Jo Swalley at So Cal LSC office…. she’s been around for many years.

10 years ago

This sounds like a good project for Bobo Gigi.

On there are all the results from sectionals, grand prixs, and most other meets held in that pool over the years including all the pac 10/12 meets. The results go back until 1999.

10 years ago

The pool records are going to be fast; even during my last 15 yrs since I moved to L.A. area, there were some American records set there in SCY and SCM. I’d be interested to find out if any SCM World records were set there; I don’t remember any but it’s possible, especially for relays, given that Pac-12’s were there.

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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