Former Australian Private School Swim Coach Charged With Child Grooming

Editor’s note: the Benjamin Allen discussed in this article is not the same Benjamin Allen who is involved with managing the International Swimming League.

A former swim coach at one of Australia’s most prestigious private schools has been charged with child sex offenses.

Benjamin Allen, 33, was charged with one count of “grooming child under 16 years or parent or carer of child under 16 years – facilitate procurement of a child to engage in sexual act,” and two counts of “procure sexual act by false pretence,” according to the Courier Mail.

Allen previously worked as the director of swimming at Brisbane’s Anglican Church Grammar School, a private school that reportedly costs in excess of $27,000 (AUD) per year. He was removed from the position in November 2022 after the allegations surfaced.

Police will allege that Allen committed the offenses with a child, who was not a student of the school, in East Brisbane on October 10, 2022.

Anglican Church Grammar School headmaster Dr. Allen Campbell confirmed that the school was made aware of the allegations in November and took immediate action.

“Mr. Allen had commenced a period of annual leave (overseas) when the allegations were made known to us,” Campbell said, according to the Daily Mail.

“The school ensured he did not return to any duties at the school, or the swim club, and left permanently.”

The school immediately contacted Queensland Police Child Protection Investigation Unit to confirm the allegations and received confirmation that the matter was known to them and was being investigated. They also informed the Anglican Schools Commission’s Child Safety Advocate.

“The school was naturally deeply concerned to learn of the allegations, and took immediate action that reinforces our commitment to upholding the protection of our young people as our highest priority,” said Campbell.

Allen had been working at the school since May 2018. None of the charges against him relate to any students at the school according to reports.

A section of the school’s website said Allen was “working to strengthen and expand the ways Churchie Aquatics serves the community,” according to the Daily Mail, though the page has since been removed.

Allen’s case is due to be next heard in Brisbane Magistrates Court on April 24.

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About James Sutherland

James Sutherland

James swam five years at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, specializing in the 200 free, back and IM. He finished up his collegiate swimming career in 2018, graduating with a bachelor's degree in economics. In 2019 he completed his graduate degree in sports journalism. Prior to going to Laurentian, James swam …

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