United Arab Emirates (UAE) head coach, Russian Sergey Burkov, has been dismissed, according to a report by Sport 360. The UAE Swimming Federation felt it was time to take action, as it feels results were disappointing for the team at the recent Arab Age Group Championship and Dubai International Aquatic Championship competitions.
“We were disappointed by our swimmers’ results and we have sacked the head coach,” UAE Swimming Federation Executive Director, Ayman Saad, is quoted as saying. Saad indicated they were expecting at least 10 medals in the Arab Championships, but instead walked away with just three. “We gave him a big chance and we feel he had lost interest in his job”, continued Saad.
With the UAE swimming federation signing an agreement with the Hungarian Swimming Federation, including Hungary’s holding national team training camps in Dubai, Saad also told Sport 360 that they will be looking at hiring a Hungarian coach, although no specific names have yet been mentioned.
They would get more medals if they had girls. Actually , if they offered Hosszu $ 50 million , they would only need her.