2020 SEC Women’s Scoring Breakdown

by Andrew Mering 10

February 23rd, 2020 College, News, Previews & Recaps, SEC


First a few notes

  • Tennessee were carried to victory by their upper classmen. The highest scoring class at the meet was the Tennessee juniors with 326.5 individual points. The next best classes were the Alabama sophomores with 315.5, Florida seniros with 303, and Tennessee seniors with 298.
  • The Tennessee freshmen scored only 28 individual points. That’s less than every class from every top 8 teams.
  • Next year’s meet looks wide open. Kentucky return a slight advantage with 577.5 returning individual points. They are followed closely by Florida with 522.5, Tennessee with 512, and Georgia with 509. Even Texas A&M with 435 and Alabama with 421 appear to be in striking distance of contending next year.
  • The most points any team scored in any event was Florida’s 118 in the 1650.
  • By Swimulator power points, the top swim of the meet was Erika Brown of Tennessee’s 45.83 100 free

There is a lot of data below. A quick table of contents: Final Scores, Individual Scores by Class, Score Progression, Points in Each Event for Each Team, Number of Times Each Team Got Each Place (Individual Events), and Individual Swimmer Performance Breakdown

Final Scores

1. Tennessee: 1108
2. Florida: 1079.5
3. Kentucky: 987.5
4. Georgia: 986
5. Auburn: 866
6. Texas A&M: 851
7. Alabama: 748
8. Missouri: 500
9. South Carolina: 427
10. Arkansas: 422
11. LSU: 417
12. Vanderbilt: 150

Individual Scores by Year

Tennessee Florida Kentucky Georgia Auburn Texas A&M Alabama Missouri South Carolina Arkansas LSU Vanderbilt
FR 28 98.5 217 114 181 84 47 72 56 5 147 0
SO 157.5 221 236.5 153 67 93 315.5 54 47 49 69 0
JR 326.5 203 124 242 98 258 58.5 89 16 66 1 0
SR 298 303 188 223 248 194 71 51 108 84 30 0
Returning 512 522.5 577.5 509 346 435 421 215 119 120 217 0

Score Progression

What the score was after each event

Florida Tennessee Kentucky Georgia Auburn Texas A&M Alabama LSU Missouri South Carolina Arkansas Vanderbilt
1 mtr Diving 76 8 32 18 28 26 16 30 14 52 10 0
1 mtr Diving 140 39 94 27 74 87 24 73 21 78 15 0
200 Medley Relay 194 103 126 75 120 139 74 113 77 112 59 30
800 Free Relay 242 167 182 129 172 189 120 147 109 156 99 60
200 Free Relay 290 223 216 175 236 229 170 179 163 200 151 90
500 Free 366 248 268 218 283 268 219 179 163 200 182 90
200 IM 404.5 333 353 284 285 322 228 183 175 206.5 182 90
50 Free 432.5 393 353 328 380 326 259.5 190 226 220 210 90
3 mtr Diving 486.5 429 373 346 420 338 259.5 244 256 244 232 90
400 IM 591.5 491 418 367 434 380 295.5 244 278 244 247 90
100 Fly 618.5 597.5 456.5 390 451 425 347.5 255 281 283 247 90
200 Free 634.5 658.5 501.5 460 499 476 367.5 269 281 292 275 90
3 mtr Diving 715.5 676.5 543.5 492 546 529 367.5 320 296 304 286 90
200 Fly 739.5 716.5 597.5 571 574 577 416.5 335 296 329 286 90
100 Back 798.5 734.5 666.5 591 576 659 471.5 339 346 332 286 90
100 Breast 798.5 797 699.5 678 582 711 486 370 359 384 297 90
400 Medley Relay 850.5 861 753.5 728 628 751 542 402 407 428 331 120
Platform Diving 914.5 901 783.5 760 672 751 544 466 425 428 347 120
1650 Free 1032.5 929 813.5 805 722 770 578 466 425 428 385 120
200 Back 1075.5 962 916.5 833 755 787 632 467 464 439 385 120
100 Free 1116.5 1060 927.5 873 845 795 666 476 467 439 413 120
200 Breast 1138.5 1098 1008.5 957 865 823 679 501 487 469 414 120
Platform Diving 1221.5 1142 1023.5 998 914 849 712 533 518 469 422 120
400 Free Relay 1273.5 1192 1069.5 1054 978 889 766 565 562 503 470 150

Points in Each Event

What each team scored in each event

Tennessee Florida Kentucky Georgia Auburn Texas A&M Alabama Missouri South Carolina Arkansas LSU Vanderbilt
1 mtr Diving 31 64 62 9 46 61 8 7 26 5 43 0
200 Medley Relay 64 54 32 48 46 52 50 56 34 44 40 30
800 Free Relay 64 48 56 54 52 50 46 32 44 40 34 30
200 Free Relay 56 48 34 46 64 40 50 54 44 52 32 30
500 Free 25 76 52 43 47 39 49 0 0 31 0 0
200 IM 85 38.5 85 66 2 54 9 12 6.5 0 4 0
50 Free 60 28 0 44 95 4 31.5 51 13.5 28 7 0
400 IM 62 105 45 21 14 42 36 22 0 15 0 0
100 Fly 106.5 27 38.5 23 17 45 52 3 39 0 11 0
200 Free 61 16 45 70 48 51 20 0 9 28 14 0
3 mtr Diving 18 81 42 32 47 53 0 15 12 11 51 0
200 Fly 40 24 54 79 28 48 49 0 25 0 15 0
100 Back 18 59 69 20 2 82 55 50 3 0 4 0
100 Breast 62.5 0 33 87 6 52 14.5 13 52 11 31 0
400 Medley Relay 64 52 54 50 46 40 56 48 44 34 32 30
1650 Free 28 118 30 45 50 19 34 0 0 38 0 0
200 Back 33 43 103 28 33 17 54 39 11 0 1 0
100 Free 98 41 11 40 90 8 34 3 0 28 9 0
200 Breast 38 22 81 84 20 28 13 20 30 1 25 0
Platform Diving 44 83 15 41 49 26 33 31 0 8 32 0
400 Free Relay 50 52 46 56 64 40 54 44 34 48 32 30

Number of Times Each Team Got Each Place (Individual Events) 

Arkansas Auburn Texas A&M Alabama Florida Missouri South Carolina LSU Kentucky Georgia Tennessee
1 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 5 5
2 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 3 3 1
3 0 4 1 1 2 0 0 0 5 2 1
4 1 3 2 0 3 1 1 0 1 0 5
5 1 0 4 1 0 1 1 1 3 2 1
6 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 4
7 0 1 3 2 3 0 1 0 2 2 2
8 0 2 4 2 2 1 1 0 2 0 2
9 0 0 1 1 6 1 0 1 0 5 1
10 0 3 0 0 3 2 1 1 5 0 1
11 0 0 5 1 2 0 0 0 3 2 3
12 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1
13 0 3 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 3 2
14 1 4 2 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 2
15 0 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 3
16 2 3 1 2 2 0 1 0 2 1 2
17 0 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1
18 0 0 2 2 4 2 1 4 1 0 0
19 0 1 3 1 2 0 2 2 0 4 2
20 3 0 1 0 4 1 1 1 0 3 1
21 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 2 3 3 2
22 1 3 3 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
23 0 2 1 4 2 2 0 1 0 1 3
24 1 1 2 1 2 0 3 1 4 1 0

Individual Breakdown Women

Power are Swimulator power points. Those are a way to quantify time quality independent of what event the time is from. Includes only final times and final dive scores.


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Brown, Erika J SR 96 50 Free 1 21.03 1017 100 Fly 1 49.38 971 100 Free 1 45.83 1025
Cieplucha, Tess SR 84 200 IM 4 1:53.89 831 400 IM 1 4:01.88 825 200 Fly 4 1:53.23 817
Small, Meghan N SR 82 200 IM 1 1:52.14 898 200 Free 4 1:43.55 796 200 Back 6 1:51.80 768
Pintar, Tjasa JR 70 200 Free 7 1:45.30 723 100 Breast 7 1:00.78 681 100 Free 6 47.9 793
Cable, Grace M SO 67 1 mtr Diving 3 319.7 3 mtr Diving 11 290.2 Platform Diving 6 246.35
Yager, Alexis A JR 64.5 400 IM 6 4:10.54 687 100 Breast 12 1:00.42 702 200 Breast 4 2:08.11 762
Nunan, Amanda J JR 57 500 Free 5 4:39.42 746 400 IM 21 4:15.25 616 1650 Free 2 15:53.39 728
Rothrock, Trude SO 54.5 200 IM 11 1:56.82 734 100 Fly 4 51.6 781 100 Free 14 49.0 698
Grinter, Bailey JR 47 50 Free 8 22.23 744 100 Back 14 53.4 660 100 Free 15 49.02 697
Moseley, Stanzi SR 34 50 Free 19 22.46 703 100 Fly 16 53.48 655 100 Free 10 48.3 757
Beil, Mallory J SO 34 100 Fly 9 52.33 730 200 Fly 13 1:57.49 672
Popov, Nikol A JR 33 200 IM 16 1:59.74 647 100 Breast 8 1:00.96 671
Sichterman, Meg JR 16 100 Fly 11 52.62 711
Holt, Kara E FR 16 1 mtr Diving 30 222.25 3 mtr Diving 23 250.55 Platform Diving 13 235.05
Sykes, Emily J JR 15 100 Breast 22 1:01.92 617 200 Breast 15 2:11.79 669
Harty, Kaitlin JR 14 100 Back 20 53.44 657 200 Back 17 1:53.62 717
Samansky, Abby FR 12 200 Free 15 1:46.20 688
Celaya-Hernande JR 10 1 mtr Diving 21 240.85 3 mtr Diving 27 241.3 Platform Diving 19 220.2
Katzer, Danika SO 2 400 IM 23 4:16.26 600
Johnson, Carrie SR 2 100 Fly 23 53.67 642


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Dressel, Sherri SR 81 100 Fly 3 51.2 811 100 Back 2 50.64 830 200 Back 4 1:50.93 794
McCool, Ashley JR 72 1 mtr Diving 4 317.6 3 mtr Diving 4 334.7 Platform Diving 9 246.15
Perez, Elizabet SO 71 1 mtr Diving 9 286.7 3 mtr Diving 2 346.5 Platform Diving 7 241.45
Pearl, Vanessa SO 70 200 IM 9 1:54.80 799 400 IM 2 4:04.61 779 200 Breast 8 2:09.92 716
Braswell, Leah SO 53 500 Free 9 4:38.22 764 200 Free 19 1:45.73 706 1650 Free 3 15:54.54 723
Faulconer, Sava SR 46 500 Free 13 4:42.59 702 400 IM 9 4:08.18 723 1650 Free 15 16:24.67 602
Whitner, Emma JR 43 1 mtr Diving 24 238.75 3 mtr Diving 13 286.95 Platform Diving 2 285.45
Madden, Brooke SR 42 1 mtr Diving 10 284.9 3 mtr Diving 14 285.85 Platform Diving 15 230.25
Ault, Taylor A JR 41 500 Free 10 4:40.32 734 200 Free 24 1:47.50 637 1650 Free 7 16:08.1 669
Golding, Kathle FR 39.5 200 IM 19 1:58.18 693 400 IM 7 4:10.56 687 1650 Free 16 16:27.34 591
Fertel, Kelly A SR 35 200 IM 14 1:58.56 682 400 IM 8 4:10.71 685
Hillis, Gabriel JR 31 50 Free 16 22.47 701 100 Free 9 48.21 765
Garofalo, Isabe SR 28 50 Free 15 22.3 731 100 Free 11 48.67 726
Zavaros, Rosie SO 27 400 IM 18 4:12.6 656 100 Back 18 53.24 669 200 Back 14 1:55.21 674
Piccirillo, All FR 25 400 IM 20 4:15.12 618 200 Fly 11 1:56.70 697 1650 Free 21 16:34.11 561
Mathieu, Tylor FR 24 500 Free 18 4:42.1 709 1650 Free 10 16:19.3 625
Ball, Emma SR 24 100 Back 6 52.04 739
Darwent, Georgi SR 22 500 Free 22 4:46.86 644 1650 Free 12 16:22.17 613 200 Back 21 1:56.67 635
Bindi, Tori E SR 20 500 Free 14 4:42.84 699 200 Free 18 1:45.71 707
Miller, Nikki JR 16 500 Free 23 4:47.83 630 200 Fly 20 1:58.71 633 1650 Free 17 16:29.58 581
Bates, Talia B FR 10 50 Free 20 22.47 701 100 Free 20 49.09 691
Hatch, Jillian SR 5 200 Free 23 1:47.20 649 200 Fly 22 1:59.34 613


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Seidt, Asia M SR 82 200 IM 3 1:53.70 838 100 Back 3 50.73 824 200 Back 2 1:48.86 861
Galyer, Ali J SR 80 500 Free 2 4:38.4 761 200 Free 5 1:44.55 753 200 Back 3 1:49.92 826
Bonnett, Bailey JR 77 200 IM 7 1:57.46 714 400 IM 3 4:05.62 762 200 Breast 3 2:07.92 767
Gati, Izzy G SO 68.5 200 IM 12 1:57.04 727 100 Fly 4 51.6 781 200 Fly 2 1:52.54 843
Knight, Kyndal SO 67 1 mtr Diving 6 301.25 3 mtr Diving 1 353.75 Platform Diving 16 229.7
Brooks, Caitlin FR 62 100 Fly 15 53.28 668 100 Back 5 51.91 747 200 Back 5 1:51.6 774
Sorenson, Sophi SO 57 200 IM 10 1:56.50 744 100 Back 10 53.01 682 200 Back 7 1:52.9 737
Davey, Gillian FR 53 400 IM 10 4:08.55 717 100 Breast 15 1:00.65 689 200 Breast 6 2:09.32 730
Gaines, Riley M SO 44 200 Free 11 1:44.76 745 200 Fly 10 1:55.53 735 100 Free 16 49.11 690
Hill, Jaclyn F JR 33 100 Breast 10 1:00.01 725 200 Breast 11 2:10.4 703
McNeese, Beth E FR 31 500 Free 17 4:38.97 753 1650 Free 8 16:13.71 647
Southall, Morga FR 25 1 mtr Diving 11 284.85 3 mtr Diving 17 272.75 Platform Diving 26 166.3
Dellmore, Emma SR 22 1 mtr Diving 8 266.1 3 mtr Diving 26 245.4 Platform Diving 27 162.25
Wheeler, Kaitly FR 20 500 Free 12 4:42.55 702 200 Free 21 1:46.4 680 1650 Free 24 16:40.76 531
Poole, Lauren M FR 18 200 IM 22 1:59.45 655 400 IM 24 4:16.83 591 200 Breast 13 2:11.28 682
Edelman, Lauren JR 9 200 Fly 17 1:57.95 658
Neas, Ashley S FR 7 1650 Free 18 16:30.36 578
Hudson, Cara L JR 5 1 mtr Diving 26 238.1 3 mtr Diving 24 248.35 Platform Diving 21 205.05
Merriman, Lizzy SR 4 100 Breast 21 1:01.6 635
Ward, Trinity M FR 1 100 Fly 24 54.56 582
Rodriguez, Kell SO 0 1650 Free 32 16:50.42 483
Neff, Payton B JR 0 1650 Free 30 16:48.86 491


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Hartman, Zoie E FR 92 200 IM 2 1:53.05 862 100 Breast 1 58.21 840 200 Breast 1 2:06.2 814
Harnish, Courtn JR 86 500 Free 1 4:36.4 791 200 Free 3 1:43.26 809 200 Fly 3 1:53.22 817
DellaTorre, Dan JR 80 200 IM 6 1:56.55 742 100 Breast 2 58.88 795 200 Breast 2 2:07.11 789
Burchill, Veron SR 77 50 Free 9 22.0 787 200 Free 1 1:42.33 853 100 Free 5 47.32 850
Luther, Dakota SO 55 100 Fly 7 52.04 750 200 Fly 1 1:52.47 846
Fa’amausili, Ga JR 53 50 Free 6 22.1 768 100 Back 13 53.25 668 100 Free 12 48.7 723
Austin, McKensi SR 48 1 mtr Diving 28 230.95 3 mtr Diving 7 297.0 Platform Diving 5 252.95
Homovich, Maddi SO 44 400 IM 15 4:14.31 631 1650 Free 9 16:19.2 625 200 Back 15 1:55.41 669
Carnevale, Sofi SR 40 100 Breast 9 59.67 745 200 Breast 9 2:08.3 757
Dickinson, Call SO 34 200 IM 13 1:57.79 705 200 Fly 9 1:54.22 780
Stout, Jordan M SR 22 500 Free 19 4:43.41 691 200 Free 16 1:46.56 674 1650 Free 20 16:33.78 563
Lim, Freida SR 20 1 mtr Diving 25 238.15 3 mtr Diving 21 262.7 Platform Diving 11 242.0
McCann, Meryn K SR 16 200 Back 11 1:53.81 712
Anderson, Olivi JR 15 500 Free 24 4:50.44 593 1650 Free 13 16:23.61 607
Crump, Ellie E SO 14 1 mtr Diving 17 246.2 3 mtr Diving 20 263.8 Platform Diving 28 156.6
McCauley, Ashle FR 12 400 IM 19 4:14.81 623 100 Breast 23 1:02.03 610 200 Breast 21 2:13.08 638
Barczyk, Jillia FR 10 500 Free 21 4:46.13 654 1650 Free 19 16:32.4 569
Brown, Portia SO 6 100 Back 19 53.39 660
Von Biberstein, JR 5 100 Breast 20 1:01.25 655
Burchill, Sammi JR 3 400 IM 22 4:15.72 609
Scott, Sandra D SR 0 1650 Free 29 16:47.54 498


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Maillard, Aliso SR 72 1 mtr Diving 1 364.15 3 mtr Diving 3 336.15 Platform Diving 14 234.35
Fisch, Claire A SR 69 50 Free 4 21.6 872 200 Free 10 1:44.55 753 100 Free 4 47.27 855
Hetzer, Emily SO 64 500 Free 6 4:39.8 741 400 IM 13 4:10.6 686 1650 Free 4 15:55.28 720
Meynen, Julie SR 57 50 Free 3 21.54 886 200 Free 22 1:46.93 659 100 Free 3 46.96 888
Preble, Averee FR 48 500 Free 16 4:46.47 649 200 Fly 14 1:57.81 662 1650 Free 6 16:06.54 676
Wensuc, Gretche FR 44 1 mtr Diving 13 256.4 3 mtr Diving 22 259.55 Platform Diving 3 276.9
Webb, Abbey C FR 37 200 Free 12 1:44.96 736 100 Free 8 49.04 695
Oeztuerk, Sonne JR 36 500 Free 15 4:44.9 671 100 Back 23 53.8 636 200 Back 8 1:53.49 721
Clevenger, Roby SR 33 50 Free 12 22.14 761 100 Fly 21 53.27 668 100 Free 13 48.81 714
Sullivan, Ashly FR 26 1 mtr Diving 29 228.8 3 mtr Diving 10 291.0 Platform Diving 17 226.75
Kutsch, AJ FR 24 50 Free 7 22.2 749 100 Free 24 49.34 671
Harris, Jewels JR 24 100 Fly 14 52.98 687 200 Fly 16 1:58.22 649
Cummings, Carly JR 17 200 Breast 10 2:10.1 711
Merritt, Jessic SR 13 200 Free 14 1:46.00 695
Wilder, Abi G JR 11 200 Back 16 1:55.77 659
Parker, Mcauley JR 6 100 Breast 19 1:01.23 656
Porter, Camille SR 4 50 Free 21 22.59 680
Bellina, Jaden JR 4 200 Fly 21 1:59.29 615
Tarazi, Val R SO 3 200 Breast 22 2:13.50 627
Thamm, Claudia FR 2 200 IM 23 1:59.87 643

Texas A&M

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Quah, Jing JR 76 200 IM 5 1:56.49 744 400 IM 4 4:06.18 753 200 Fly 5 1:53.96 790
Clairmont, Alys FR 73 1 mtr Diving 5 307.3 3 mtr Diving 8 262.2 Platform Diving 4 256.2
Hemstreet, Karl SR 48 500 Free 7 4:41.25 720 200 Free 8 1:45.66 709 1650 Free 22 16:34.24 561
Campbell, Charl JR 48 1 mtr Diving 7 300.35 3 mtr Diving 5 334.65
Portz, Katie A SR 40 500 Free 11 4:42.54 703 200 Free 6 1:45.12 730
Eisenmann, Kara JR 39 100 Fly 17 52.67 707 100 Back 11 53.04 680 200 Back 13 1:55.17 675
Pike, Taylor A JR 37 100 Fly 13 52.89 693 200 Fly 7 1:54.29 778
Carlton, Emma L SO 36 50 Free 24 22.78 648 100 Fly 12 52.88 694 100 Back 9 52.72 699
Theil, Caroline SO 35 200 IM 8 1:57.51 713 200 Breast 14 2:11.75 670
Eldridge, Raena SR 27 50 Free 22 22.63 673 100 Back 8 52.53 710 100 Free 23 49.23 680
Belousova, Anna SR 27 100 Breast 3 59.6 750
Toney, Camryn C JR 23 200 IM 18 1:57.76 705 400 IM 11 4:09.46 703
Powers, Kylie A SO 22 100 Breast 11 1:00.38 704 200 Breast 19 2:12.09 662
Walding, Harper JR 19 1 mtr Diving 14 251.5 3 mtr Diving 19 267.5
Roubique, Victo SR 18 100 Breast 17 1:00.4 703 200 Breast 17 2:10.99 689
Field, Joy F JR 16 1650 Free 11 16:22.09 613
Metzsch, Sara K SR 15 100 Back 15 53.43 658 200 Back 22 1:56.84 630
Wey, Grace E FR 11 100 Back 16 53.49 654
Sapianchai, Gol SR 11 200 Free 20 1:45.97 697 100 Free 19 48.96 702
Siebenaller, Sa SR 8 100 Fly 18 52.84 696 100 Back 24 53.89 631
Conrad, Ashley FR 0 1650 Free 31 16:50.1 485


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
White, Rhyan E SO 92 100 Fly 2 50.8 843 100 Back 1 50.02 875 200 Back 1 1:48.15 885
Preski, Alexis SR 69 500 Free 8 4:41.3 720 400 IM 5 4:07.95 726 200 Fly 8 1:56.82 694
Scott, Morgan E SO 59 50 Free 11 22.09 770 200 Free 9 1:44.32 763 100 Back 7 52.42 716
McMahon, Kensey SO 59 500 Free 3 4:38.66 757 1650 Free 1 15:43.74 768
Lucoe, Tanesha FR 38 1 mtr Diving 19 243.15 3 mtr Diving 28 238.55 Platform Diving 1 338.75
Antoniou, Kalia SO 36.5 50 Free 13 22.29 733 100 Free 7 48.71 722
Molnar, Flora JR 33 50 Free 23 22.76 651 100 Fly 6 51.94 757 100 Free 18 48.95 703
Wright, Cat G SO 32 200 IM 17 1:57.65 709 200 Fly 15 1:57.96 657 200 Breast 16 2:12.43 654
Liberto, Morgan SO 30 200 Fly 12 1:56.85 693 200 Back 12 1:54.12 704
Wong, Kaila T JR 14.5 100 Breast 12 1:00.42 702
Underwood, Mall JR 11 400 IM 16 4:16.47 597
Koczo, Abigail FR 7 200 Back 18 1:55.01 680
Wolf, Julia R SO 4 100 Free 21 49.17 685
Donkle, Natalie SO 3 1 mtr Diving 23 239.6 3 mtr Diving 30 211.0 Platform Diving 24 182.15
Brown, Cameron SR 2 1650 Free 23 16:38.61 541
Reynera, Caitli FR 2 200 Breast 23 2:14.07 613
Rukosuev, Polin FR 0 1650 Free 35 16:59.53 436


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Thompson, Sarah JR 68 50 Free 5 21.8 828 100 Back 4 51.07 801 200 Back 10 1:53.51 720
King, Jennifer SR 42 400 IM 14 4:10.64 686 100 Back 17 53.14 675 200 Back 9 1:53.43 722
Rousseau, Sarah SO 29 1 mtr Diving 18 245.75 3 mtr Diving 12 288.75 Platform Diving 18 220.3
Brathwaite, Kat FR 28 100 Breast 14 1:00.47 699 200 Breast 12 2:10.41 703
Huitt, Maddie FR 22 1 mtr Diving 27 233.15 3 mtr Diving 29 226.4 Platform Diving 8 234.7
Smith, Amanda C JR 21 200 IM 15 1:59.08 666 400 IM 17 4:12.24 662
Keil, Megan K SO 20 50 Free 10 22.07 774 100 Free 22 49.22 681
Rees, Meredith FR 20 100 Fly 22 53.42 658 100 Back 12 53.15 674 200 Back 23 1:57.75 604
Hynes, Haley M SR 9 50 Free 17 22.41 712
Jones, Kayla L SO 5 200 Breast 20 2:12.54 651
Trueb, Savana FR 2 1 mtr Diving 31 221.85 3 mtr Diving 32 189.8 Platform Diving 23 193.05
Pozder, Ana S SO 0 1650 Free 28 16:46.17 504
Horvath, Lili FR 0 1650 Free 27 16:45.74 506
Bloebaum, Allis SO 0 1650 Free 26 16:44.51 513

South Carolina

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Higgs, Albury A SR 53.5 200 IM 19 1:58.18 693 100 Breast 5 59.82 736 200 Breast 7 2:09.33 730
Kinsey, Hallie SO 42 200 IM 24 2:00.41 626 100 Fly 10 52.51 718 200 Fly 6 1:54.12 784
Lappin, Christi SR 35.5 50 Free 13 22.29 733 100 Fly 8 52.32 731
Steele, Taylor FR 33 100 Breast 4 59.74 741 200 Breast 18 2:11.32 681
Roxne, Mathilda FR 23 1 mtr Diving 16 250.25 3 mtr Diving 15 284.5
Cornell, Emily SR 18 200 Free 17 1:45.20 727 100 Back 22 53.67 644 200 Back 19 1:55.45 668
Goh, Yu Qian C JR 15 1 mtr Diving 12 273.2 3 mtr Diving 25 245.8
Kraus, Mari L SO 5 200 Back 20 1:55.71 661
Otten, Emma R JR 1 200 Fly 24 2:00.07 589
Menendez Nava, SR 1 100 Breast 24 1:02.37 590
Arner, Haley P SO 0 1650 Free 36 17:01.78 424


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Hopkin, Anna E SR 84 50 Free 2 21.44 910 200 Free 2 1:42.35 852 100 Free 2 46.2 977
Palsha, Peyton JR 66 500 Free 4 4:39.41 746 400 IM 12 4:09.83 698 1650 Free 5 16:01.99 694
Mosena, Esti SO 19 1 mtr Diving 20 242.3 3 mtr Diving 16 273.65 Platform Diving 22 196.3
Ljunggren, Lexi SO 18 500 Free 20 4:44.16 680 1650 Free 14 16:24.01 605
Herrmann, Vanes SO 11 100 Breast 16 1:00.87 676
Matalone, Josie FR 5 1 mtr Diving 32 206.8 3 mtr Diving 31 205.9 Platform Diving 20 214.4
Garfield, Emma SO 1 200 Breast 24 2:14.68 597
Rodriguez, Rach SO 0 1650 Free 33 16:52.68 472


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Wilson, Aimee SO 69 1 mtr Diving 2 320.75 3 mtr Diving 6 327.6 Platform Diving 10 245.25
Robinson, Niamh FR 49 100 Breast 6 59.85 735 200 Breast 5 2:08.37 755
Tuxen, Anne FR 34 1 mtr Diving 15 251.1 3 mtr Diving 18 271.7 Platform Diving 12 238.4
Milutinovich, K FR 27 200 Free 13 1:45.87 700 100 Back 21 53.66 644 100 Free 17 48.84 712
Montague, Hayle FR 23 1 mtr Diving 22 239.95 3 mtr Diving 9 291.75 Platform Diving 25 167.85
Rozier, Nicole SR 15 200 IM 21 1:58.43 685 100 Fly 20 53.11 679 200 Fly 19 1:58.70 634
Grossman, Helen SR 8 100 Fly 19 52.96 688 200 Fly 23 2:00.01 591
Stanfield, Summ FR 7 200 Fly 18 1:58.6 637
Paskulin, Olivi SR 7 100 Breast 18 1:00.99 669
Taylor, Olivia FR 7 50 Free 18 22.44 706
Kalisz, Cassie JR 1 200 Back 24 1:59.22 560
Daniels, Lexie JR 0 1650 Free 25 16:42.23 524


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Hernandez-Tome, JR 0 1650 Free 34 16:59.17 438

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5 years ago

It would be interesting to compare how the Tennessee junior class contributed points wise to last year to see progression. Same for the seniors competing. I’m guessing that there was considerable improvement! Creating a winning conference championship team does not happen overnight! I’d expect to see further improvement in the Jr. class, and especially those in the sophomore and freshman classes

Reply to  formerswimmom
5 years ago

I just heard the Tennessee coach say that 5 of their swimmers got the flu last year and did
not even swim in the SEC meet. No details mentioned. Certainly it will be harder next year for the Vols without Brown,
Small and two or three other talented seniors–but some talent coming in.

5 years ago

I’m confused by the individual breakdowns per team. It would make sense to list everyone who competed (as you did for the Big 10 recap), or just everyone who scored, but it appears you did neither. Most teams have one or two swimmers listed with zero points, but they all are listed as just having swum the mile. Vandy only has one swimmer listed period having scored zero points in the mile. If you’re going to list just scorers, that’s fine, but that’s not what you’ve done here, and it’s confusing.

Andrew Mering
Reply to  dmswim
5 years ago

This is pulled from the live results.The SEC doesn’t list prelims swimmers on the results of their finals swims. So non scoring swims are excluded from this. However, the 1650 is a timed final, so everyone who swam that is listed on the finals result. Therefore non scoring mile swimmers are included and non scoring swimmers in other events aren’t.

The case where all the non qualifying prelims swims are listed below the finals results is much more common, so that’s what my program is set up to expect. The SEC doesn’t do things like everyone else with their live results, so this is what we end up with. Maybe I should account for this, but what I have… Read more »

5 years ago

Congrats to the Lady Vols. Nice photo of the women with their radiant smiles and coonskin hats.

5 years ago

The Alabama women went from 11th to 7th and scored over 300 more points than they did last year, broke 14 school records, and it looks as if most of their main contributors are returning. That is a remarkable turnaround in just 1 season

5 years ago

Interesting that the juniors were the highest scoring class…can’t replace the seniors, but glad to see we’ll be competitive next year! Add Larson back (hopefully) plus McSharry and Rumley and maybe we can compete for a repeat?

Reply to  VFL
5 years ago

Does UNC Charlotte have a swim team?

Reply to  VFL
5 years ago

Abysmal FR class, weak SOPH – Enjoy it while it lasts. Next year you 3rd BANK ON IT.