Watch St Peters Western at Work – Wilson, Larkin and McKeon (Video)

On my visit to Australia Michael Bohl the Head Coach of St. Peters Western, based in Brisbane, was kind enough to not only invite me onto his deck for several different workouts, but he also allowed me to video tape those practices. The following two videos are highlights from those practices.

The write up of the full practices are at the start of each of the videos below.

The first practice was from December 24th and shows Madi Wilson and Mitch Larkin doing 20 meter sprints that were performed at the end of practice.



The second practice highlighted is from December 22nd. These are from a set of 50s based on 200 pace:

  • 400 + 2 x 50 @ 60 (at 200 pace +2)
  • 300 + 4 x 50 @ 60 (at 200 pace +2)
  • 200 + 6 x 50 @ 60 (at 200 pace +2)
  • 100 + 8 x 50 @ 60 (at 200 pace +2)

The clips of Emma McKeon are from the middle of the 6 x 50 and the clips of Larkin are from the final three 50s of the last set with extra rest coming before the final 50 meters.


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About Jeff Grace

Jeff Grace

Jeff is a 500 hour registered yoga teacher who holds diplomas in Coaching (Douglas College) and High Performance Coaching (National Coaching Institute - Calgary). He has a background of over 20 years in the coaching profession, where he has used a unique and proven teaching methodology to help many achieve their …

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