Ultra Short Race Pace Training – The Overload Principle

by SwimSwam Contributors 0

December 09th, 2016 Industry

Courtesy of Ultra Short Race Pace Training International Association – USRPTIA

A new section has been added to the USRPTIA home page. It is called BONUS FEATURES. It will include USRPT-related items not available elsewhere as well as pre-publication papers.

A new Bonus Feature is available.

It is the second paper relating USRPT and traditional training to Training Theory. It covers the topic “The Overload Principle”. I mentioned in the previous Newsletter that I was embarking on an extensive writing project to relate USRPT to Training Theory.

1. To access this Bonus Feature go to the USRPTIA home page.

2. Click on the “access the Bonus Features” or “Bonus Features” links on the page.

3. Select the entry “This is the second paper relating USRPT . . . .”

Very best wishes,

Brent Rushall

Chairman, USRPTIA Steering Committee

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