Two More Arrests, Three Not Guilty Pleas For Former Bridgeport Coach

Former Bridgeport University swim coach Sean Raffile incurred two more arrests over the last month or so in the midst of several more ongoing criminal charges.

Raffile was originally arrested in March, when he was still coaching at Bridgeport. That arrest was for third degree assault and “risk of injury to a child.” He was arrested again in April for violating a protective order. He pleaded guilty to the assault and violation of protective order charges. The state court website lists no plea for the “risk of injury to a child charge,” which could be the result of a plea deal.

The last time we reported on the case, Raffile was arrested a third time in late July, once again for violating a protective order. He was due in court on September 8 for that offense.

But now the Connecticut state judicial website shows three more offenses incurred the week leading up to that court date. Raffile was arrested on September 7 for another violation of protective order as well as first degree stalking. The court site lists those offenses as happening on September 7. Then Raffile was arrested again on October 4, this time for a violation of a protective order that was listed as occurring before the previous arrest, on September 5.

Raffile has already pleaded not guilty to both September 7 charges.

Here’s a chronological look at the charges and arrests, per the Connecticut judicial website:

  • March 1: Arrested for risk of injury to child and third degree assault occurring on March 1 (later pleaded guilty to assault, no plea to risk of injury)
  • April 7: Arrested for violation of protective order occurring on April 7 (later pleaded guilty)
  • August 15: Arrested for violation of protective order occurring on July 29 (later pleaded not guilty)
  • September 7: Arrested for violation of protective order and first degree stalking occurring on September 7 (later pleaded not guilty)
  • October 4: Arrested for violation of protective order occurring on September 5 (no plea yet)

Raffile has upcoming court dates on October 20 for the first two arrests and November 3 for the final three arrests.

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S. Kloss
7 years ago

SWIMSWAM and this author seem to have some sort of weird “jones” for constantly updating us all in this fellows messed up situation. Mr. Raffile clearly has trouble right now with straightening his life out and somehow SWIMSWAM seems to feel the need to post on this dudes every move and misstep. I think it’s fair to assume the entire global swim community is now well informed of his background. Makes one wonder whether the author of these incessant Raffile updates has some sort of axe to grind with Raffile? Move forward SWIMSWAM, there must be more important information going on in the swim community.

7 years ago

My child was in a junior team coached by Sean, and he was the main reason my child is not swimming now. He is a nasty piece of work, and he would get really aggressive with parents who questioned him.

He was completely unfit to coach, and really nasty with the kids, most of who were in middle or high school.

When my child was injured and off swimming for 4 weeks, Sean never once called or emailed to check up.

I hope he gets sent to a really tough prison for a very long time.

7 years ago

Y’all have to wait for the court cases to be completed before jumping up .Maybe that town has vindictive LEO s , maybe small town politics . Maybe he should be in Hollywood being feted .

Who knows ? It’s hardly Sandy Hook .

Reply to  G.I.N.A
7 years ago

classless to even compare such a horrific event. Think before you write please

Reply to  Swammerererer
7 years ago

In a state that is historically a massive gun manufacturer , sexual misdemeanours are kinda minor .

Swimmer Thieroff
7 years ago

I’m surprised they wouldn’t revoke bail privileges after a while considering the danger he seems to be posing against whoever it is that has this protective order.

Reply to  Swimmer Thieroff
7 years ago

That was my question, how many times does he have to violate the order before a judge realizes he needs to be locked up?

7 years ago

This is getting real bad real fast.

7 years ago

What did he do to a child for the first charge? Does he have a really nasty 400IM set?

7 years ago

jeez this coach is crazy….

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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