Top 20 (+1) Quotes from the Atlanta Classic (Video)

It’s that time again! The Atlanta Classic was a much more relaxed meet than a typical pro swim, but that doesn’t mean there weren’t fun storylines to follow. The combination of club swimmers, college athletes, pros, and even a few age groupers made for a very interesting meet, and subsequently a mixed bag of nuts inside the media room.

We talked to everyone from Olympic medalists, national teamers hoping to make their first Olympic team, and high schoolers with an outside shot this summer. The best part about that is hearing how everyone’s doing 6 weeks out from Trials. We all know that come the end of June, pretty much everyone will be in some sort of resting mode and on their A game for the big cheese. But, a lot of people are still in heavy training right now, some much more than others.

So listen close and learn what you can from these seasoned veterans, eager youngsters, and everyone in between as they share where they are in the Olympic cycle, what’s keeping them motivated, and how they are able to put fourth sold performances at an in season meet like this one. With that, we give you the Top 20 (+1) quotes from the Atlanta Classic!

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bobo gigi
8 years ago

Jay Litherland
Olivia Smoliga
Sean Grieshop
Reece Whitley
Nathan Adrian
Katie Ledecky
Ella Eastin
Ryan Murphy
Josh Prenot
Jay Litherland
Andrew Wilson
Reece Whitley
Sean Grieshop
Olivia Smoliga
Ryan Murphy
Katie Ledecky
Elizabeth Beisel
Joseph Schooling
Natale Coughlin
Felicia Lee
Elizabeth Beisel

bobo gigi
Reply to  bobo gigi
8 years ago

Correction. Not Natale but Natalie Coughlin

bobo gigi
8 years ago

Nice compilation. But I’m exhausted after watching it.

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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