Tips For Staying Active While Being Stuck in Your Home

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April 25th, 2020 News, Training

Courtesy of StrechCordz®, a SwimSwam Partner

It’s amazing to think back a few months ago when COVID-19 was barely a thought for most Americans. Today it’s a part of every news story and is affecting households around the world. A Feel free to use tips in mind to keep your mind and body sharp even if you’re stuck at home over the next few weeks.
Below are a few easy ways to stay active and mentally sharp during this quarantine period that is affecting each and every household across the country.
  • Get Outside – One small positive that you need to focus on is the changing seasons. Many areas around the country are seeing the beginnings of Spring, which means budding flowers, green grass and chirping birds. If possible, get outside and enjoy nature. Maybe that’s by taking a walk with your immediate family, or riding your bike around the neighborhood. Just because we’re all practicing social distancing doesn’t mean we can’t get out and enjoy all that the outdoors have to offer!
  • Resistance Training – The beauty of most of the equipment from NZ Manufacturing is that it can be used in the comfort of your own home. We offer a wide array of dryland training gear for swimmers, TurfCordz® gear for agility and strength training and MediCordz® gear for physical therapy. Even though you shouldn’t go to the pool or the gym, there’s plenty of exercises that can be done at home.
  • Focus on Your Mental Health – Be sure that you’re not only prioritizing your physical health, but your mental health as well. With the barrage of bad news related to COVID-19 it’s important to ensure that you’re taking time to focus on yourself. This could include exercise, meditation, reading or even taking up a new hobby that will keep your mind off of the 24/7 news cycle.
  • Eat Healthy – One benefit of being stuck at home for an extended period of time is that it is difficult to eat poorly at restaurants. When you go to the grocery store be conscious of making healthy food choices so that when you’re at home you won’t be tempted to eat unhealthy snacks and other fatty foods.




StrechCordz resistance swim training tools improve stamina, power, stroke and Individual Medley times for international Olympians and novice swimmers. Both in-water and dry land equipment are used for full swimmer pull, tricep extensions, rowing, overhead raises, chest fly’s, proper hip rotation, stroke efficiency and more. For high performance resistance training gear and workout instruction, turn to the products that Olympians and pro athletes rely on for their top results. Contact NZ Manufacturing at 800-866-6621 with your questions related to our line of products, or visit us online at





Swim training product news courtesy of Strechcordz®, a SwimSwam partner ad.

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