Sharon van Rouwendaal

2024 Olympic Open Water 10km Start Lists Announced With 13 Pool Qualifiers

The men’s field features several swimmers who predominantly focus on racing in the pool, including world record holder Daniel Wiffen.


Ana Marcela Cunha Wins First International Open Water Race Since Shoulder Surgery in 2022

It’s a great sign for the 32-year-old Cunha ahead of the Paris Olympics, where she’s aiming to become the first swimmer to repeat as 10km Olympic champion.


Hugo Gonzalez Tra I 5 Nominati Provvisoriamente Nella Squadra Olimpica Spagnola

Il campione del mondo Hugo Gonzalez è in testa alla rosa provvisoria di cinque nuotatori spagnoli che sono stati selezionati per le Olimpiadi di Parigi

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Hugo Gonzalez Among Five Swimmers Selected for Spain’s Provisional Olympic Roster

It will be the third Olympics for 25-year-old world champion Hugo Gonzalez, who qualified in the 100 back (52.70), 200 back (1:55.30), and 200 IM (1:56.58).


Men’s 5km Open Water Event Comes Down To Finish As French Go 1-2 At World Championships

Logan Fontaine and Marc-Antoine Olivier of France went 1-2 in the men’s 5km open water race on Wednesday finishing just 0.30 seconds apart.


Sharon Van Rouwendaal Conquista L’Oro Mondiale Anche Nella 5km

Ai Mondiali di nuoto in acque libere l’olandese Van Rouvendaal conquista la doppietta portandosi sul primo gradino del podio nella 5km

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Sharon van Rouwendaal Charges On Final Lap To Win Worlds Open Water 10 km

The top 13 finishers from today’s women’s 10 km open water event earned their country a quota spot for the 2024 Paris Olympics.


Le 13 Carte Olimpiche Conquistate Nella 10 Km Femminile Di Doha 2024

Nel 2023 tre atlete hanno conquistato il pass nominale: Beck, Gubecka, Grimes. Se ne aggiungono ora 13 che ottengono pass nazione

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Arianna Bridi: Pass Olimpico Per L’Italia Con L’8° Posto Mondiale, Oro Van Rouwendaal

Arianna Bridi conquista il pass olimpico per l’Italia nella 10 km grazie al suo 8° posto nelle acque del porto di Doha, Qatar

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Caesars Releases Open Water Swimming Odds for 2024 World Championships

Florian Wellbrock is the biggest betting favorite in the men’s 5km, which he won last year (53:58.0) just ahead of a pair of Italians.


Swammy Awards: Nuotatrice Open Water Dell’Anno Leonie Beck (GER)

Il premio Swammy 2023 per la nuotatrice in acque libere dell’anno va alla tedesca Leonie Beck, che si allena in Italia con Fabrizio Antonelli

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2023 Swammy Awards: Open Water Female Swimmer of the Year – Leonie Beck

Leonie Beck was victorious in both the 5k and 10k at 2023 World Championships in Fukuoka, and also won the overall World Cup title.

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Leonie Beck Completes Open Water Sweep with 5k Victory Over van Rouwendaal, Cunha

Germany’s Leonie Beck became the first woman to sweep both the 5k and 10k open water events at the World Championships since 2007. 


Mondiali Nuoto Acque Libere: Leonie Beck Oro Anche Nella 5km

Leonie Beck entra nella storia come terza nuotatrice ad avere realizzato la doppietta 10km 5km ai Mondiali di nuoto in acque libere

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Watch: Katie Grimes Pulls Off Effortless Spin Move During 10km Open Water Race

Katie Grimes effortlessly spun from freestyle to backstroke and then back to freestyle without missing a beat as she peeked at the competition behind her.