Klete Keller

Oltre La Vasca: Le Notizie Dal Mondo Dello Sport Della Settimana

Benvenuti a “Oltre la Vasca”, la nuova rubrica che vi accompagnerà di domenica con storie, curiosità e notizie dal mondo dello sport, dentro e fuori le corsie

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El campeón olímpico indultado por Trump: “Me arrepiento pero es un alivio”

Un año después de su sentencia, Klete Keller fue uno de los indultados en uno de los primeros actos de Trump como presidente.

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Olympic Swimmer Klete Keller Among More Than 1,500 Pardoned for January 6 Insurrection

Klete Keller stood out above the crowd in the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, wearing his Team USA jacket. He was released from probation by President Donald Trump.


Lacking A True “Superhero” At Root of U.S. Struggles At Paris Olympic Games

With the rest of the world catching up, the Americans no longer have that true game-changing superstar that sets them apart in the medal table.


Olympic Champion Klete Keller, 42, Performs Life-Saving Rescue After Jet Ski Crash

“Probably on about the ninth breath, I said, ‘God, please save this boy,'” Klete Keller recalled. “And I gave him one more breath, and his eyes opened.”


For the First Time Since 2004, The US Olympic Swim Team Will Have Two Sets of Siblings

Sisters Alex and Gretchen Walsh are on top of the heap right now, but they’re far from the first siblings with swimming success.


Klete Keller Avoids Jail Time With 6-Month Home Detention Sentence for Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

Klete Keller avoided prison time on Friday after being sentenced to three years of probation and six months of home detention for storming the U.S. Capitol.


El doble campeón olímpico Klete Keller, con condena

“Ahora entiendo que mis acciones fueron un delito y que soy plenamente responsable de ello”, admitió el esstadounidense en su juicio.

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Feds Request 10-Month Prison Sentence For Olympic Swimmer Klete Keller in January 6 Case

The government has requested that Keller receive a relatively light sentence due to the fact he “has tried to right his wrong for nearly three years.”


Aaron Shackell Swims 3:47.00 400 Free Tied-#3 17-18 All-Time, Breaks Meet Record

Shackell has dropped over eight seconds in the 400 freestyle over the last year and is now tied for the third fastest 17-18 year old ever.


Olympic Champion Klete Keller’s Sentencing Date Delayed Again Until December

Klete Keller had his sentencing hearing postponed once again until December, nearly three years after he stormed the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021. 


Klete Keller Asks for Capitol Riot Sentencing Date to Be Pushed Back Again

The sentencing hearing was initially scheduled for May, but it was pushed back to July 7 after his attorney, Edward B. MacMahon Jr., died in March.


Olympic Champion Klete Keller’s Sentencing Date for Capitol Riot Pushed Back to July

The felony charge for obstructing a federal proceeding carries a maximum sentence of 20 years, but the 41-year-old Keller will likely receive far less time.


How Hard Is It to Win NCAA, Short Course Worlds Titles in the Same Season?

Virginia’s Kate Douglass (above) is one of five swimmers who has the potential to win individual titles at both the NCAA and Short Course Worlds this season.


Happy Birthday To Us: The Top 50 Articles from a Decade of SwimSwam

You’ll never guess who is responsible for the top 3 most-read articles in SwimSwam history.