Trials Francesi In Acqua Manaudou Nei 100 Stile Risultati Batterie Day4
I trials francesi sono al loro quarto giorno ed oggi in acqua ci sarà Florent Manaudou a tentare la qualificazione olimpica nei 100 stile
2021 French Olympic Trials: Day 4 Prelims Live Recap
We are back and we are live for the 4th day of racing at the 2021 French Elite Swimming Championships in Chartres France.
2021 French Olympic Trials: Day 2 Finals Live Recap
Follow along here for live coverage during the second night of racing during the 2021 French Elite Swimming Championships.
2021 French Olympic Trials: Day 2 Prelims Live Recap
Follow along here for live results from day 2 prelims at the 2021 French Elite Swimming Championships in Chartres, France.
Lione: Charlotte Bonnet Nuota 1:57.3 Nei 200 Metri Stile Libero
A Lione la francese Charlotte Bonett si testa sui 200 metri stile libero nuotando per la terza volta quest’anno sotto il minuto e 58.
Charlotte Bonnet Remains Hot, Swims 1:57.3 in 200 Free in Lyon
Charlotte Bonnet is heating up in her early-year swims in the 200 free, swimming another sub-1:58 over the weekend in Lyon, France.
Manaudou vence a Grousset y Milak 52.1 en 100 mariposa para cerrar Niza
Tras perder los 100 y quedar cerca en los 50 esta mañana, el campeón olímpico Florent Manaudou tuvo la mejor carrera en la final de los 50 libre esta noche.
Manaudou Edges Grousset, Milak Posts 52.2 100 FL in Final Session of FFN – Nice
Manaudou, who leads the world rankings this season with a 21.73, went 22.34 to out-touch Maxime Grousset (22.36).
Grousset se impone ante Manaudou en 50 libre, 22.3 frente a 22.5
Maxime Grousset terminó por delante de su antiguo compañero Florent Manaudou nuevamente este fin de semana, esta vez en los 50 libre.
Grousset Edges Manaudou in 50 Free Prelims, 22.3 to 22.5, in Nice
Grousset was 22.32, clearing Manaudou by two-tenths (22.55) and another top French sprinter, Clement Mignon (22.89).
Melanie Henique Record Nazionale Francese 50 Farfalla Quinta All Time
Melanie Henique ha stabilito il record nazionale francese nei 50 metri farfalla femminili (vasca lunga). Ora è quinta all time
Henique, récord francés en 50 mariposa con 25.24: 5ª mejor all-time
Con su nuevo récord nacional de 25,24, Henique ahora iguala a la danesa Jeanette Ottesen como la quinta mujer más rápida del mundo de todos los tiempos.
Henique Rips 25.24 50 Fly For French Record, 5th Fastest Performer Ever
Melanie Henique lit the pool on fire tonight at the 2020 French Elite Championships, claiming the 50m fly title in a new national record.