5 Epic Swim Sets You Should Try At Least Once

by Olivier Poirier-Leroy. Join his weekly motivational newsletter for swimmers by clicking here.

When it comes to swim sets things can get a little bit monotonous.

Doing the same swim workouts, repeats and intervals over and over again is boring and tedious. Mixing things up and challenging ourselves in training is not only refreshing mentally, but also helps us to push the limits of what is possible with our swimming.

Here are 5 epic swim sets that you should try at least once over the course of your swim career:

1. The (Other) Auburn Sprint Swim Set.

In terms of raw effort, I am not sure this one can be beat. A sprint swim workout that was originally written up by Brett Hawke over at Auburn, it features 100×25 of all-out swimming with a steadily descending interval and increasing rest between rounds.

The goal is to do 2,500 yards (I tried the set in meters) at or as close to your 100-race pace. By the last couple rounds you will be feeling an exceptionally thorough case of jelly shoulders.

Here is how it goes:

100×25 at your 100 race pace

(The distance outlined after the interval is the recovery swimming to be done at the end of each round.)

  • Round 1: 10 x 25 @:60 – 50 easy
  • Round 2: 10 x 25 @:60 – 100 easy
  • Round 3: 10 x 25 @:55 – 150 easy
  • Round 4: 10 x 25 @:50 – 200 easy
  • Round 5: 10 x 25 @:45 – 250 easy
  • Round 6:10 x 25 @:40 – 300 easy
  • Round 7: 10 x 25 @:35 – 350 easy
  • Round 8: 10 x 25 @:30 – 400 easy
  • Round 9: 10 x 25 @:25 – 450 easy
  • Round 10: 10 x 25 @:20 – 500 easy
  • Ouch.

You can read my breakdown of the swim set and how (well?) I fared trying out this lactate-maker here.

2. Josh Schneider’s Sprint-a-Thon.

NCAA and world champion Josh Schneider used this set to help power up his speed endurance. It features anywhere between 750 and 950 of high octane sprinting.

After a thorough warm-up:

6-8 rounds of–

2×50 @1 All-Out 

  • 50 #1 is from a dive.
  • Second 50 is from a push. “The goal is trying to get as close as possible to the time you swam on the first 50,” notes Josh.
  • 3 minutes rest between rounds.

And then…

3 x 50 All-Out from a Dive.

  • “The goal is to beat the results of the dive 50’s from the previous set,” says Schneider.
  • Long rest; 3 minutes between 50’s.

For more commentary from Josh on this sprint set read the full breakdown here.

3. Mike Alexandrov’s Favorite Set for Crushing the Competition

Two-time Olympic breaststroker likes to mix up his training in the water using various kinds of equipment, unleashing a series of super-sets to contrast heavier resistance with high speed work.

After a super-fun time warm-up that gets you primed and ready to rock and roll:

  • 300 pull (buoy and swim paddles) 25 choice, 50 breast @ :20 seconds rest (4th gear breaststroke)
  • 2 x 150 1st and last 50 breast, middle 50 choice @ :20 seconds rest (4th gear breaststroke)
  • 3 x 100 breast with paddles descend 1-3 @ 30 seconds rest (build each one and 5th gear on the 3rd one)
  • 4 x 75 swim (no gear) @ 40 seconds rest (1st 75 = last 25 5th gear, 2nd = last 50 5th gear, 3rd 75 all fast, 4th = find way to go faster)
  • 6 x 50 paddles descend 1-3 @ 30 seconds rest
  • 8 x 25 no gear 1 easy, 2 fast @ 30 seconds rest


3 rounds through:

  • 1st round, do the 300, 2 x 150s, 3 x 100’s and then JUST the 4 x 75’s.
  • 2nd round, do the 300, 2 x1 50s, 3 x 100’s and then JUST the 6 x 50’s.
  • 3rd round, do the 300, 2 x 150s, 3 x 100’s and then JUST the 8 x 25s.

To read the full breakdown on Mike’s favorite swim set read the rest of his commentary by clicking here.

4. Ryan Lochte’s “Brutal” Individual Medley Set

You don’t need me to tell you how grueling the 400m individual medley is. 5ish minutes of controlled sprinting that spans all four strokes, giving you all sorts of exhaustion and agony.

The only thing harder?

Training for said event.

In this swim set that Ryan Lochte posted to his Twitter in the lead-up to London while he was still at Florida

4 rounds through—

  • 2×100 butterfly from a dive all-out @1:30
  • 2×50 backstroke, 1 all-out, 1 cruise @:50
  • 100 freestyle @1:20
  • 400 IM all-out @5


  • The workout was done in long course meters.
  • Just the set was 3,200 meters.
  • Lochte’s times on the 400 individual medleys were as follows: 4:29, 4:29, 4:28, and 4:27.
  • If you weren’t hungry before this set, you will most certainly will be afterward.

5. 10ish Minutes a Day to a Faster Underwater Dolphin Kick

This swim set is certainly the easiest out of the five presented in this little list, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t super effective!

The importance of the underwater dolphin kick has never been so prevalent in the sport, particularly for you short course yards swimmers, with races that can be done up to 60% under the water.

This set, while short and sweet, will help add some turbo-boost to your underwater fly kick.

After you have gotten your legs loose and warm:

20×25 @:35

  • FAST underwater dolphin kick to 15m (12.5m okay for when not wearing fins)
  • Wearing DragSox for all of them.
  • Wear fins for the last 10.
  • Alternate on front and on back by 25.
  • Streamline must be tight and legit.

Your Turn

What “essential” swim sets would you like to see added to this list? What swim sets have you done in the past that were either epic or insanely effective at helping you become a better swimmer?

Let me know in the comments below!

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1 year ago

3x100s @1:00
2x75s @:45
1×50 max effort @2:00

2 years ago

A constant swim with a good feel
200 kick 200 swim 200 pull ( kick no fins, swim walls and underwaters, pull ankle band no buoy or paddles breathing every 3)
400 IM kick with fins
4 x 25 butter on .10 sec rest
100 IM
4 x 25 back on .10 sec rest
100 IM
4 x 25 breast on .10 sec rest
100 IM
4 x 25 F. crawl on .10 sec rest
100 IM
2 min rest
1500 free for time
200 cool down

3 years ago

No rules. Rest as much as you want. How many 100s can you swim faster than your 500 race pace in 1 hour?

John Lowe
5 years ago

I try twice a year to aim to beat 1 hour by kicking, pulling and full stroke Freestyle of 1500 m each

7 years ago

One of the sets that I always hated is called the Tornado Set. Starting with 100s, we would either swim or kick on the 1:35 five times. After that, we would drop to the 1:30 for five times through. This continued until you just couldn’t make it through in time. Then you sit one out, and keep going on 75s as the interval continues to drop every five. Once you miss that, you go down to 50s, then 25s, then cooldown. My coaches love to do this every week, and one time, I dropped 8 sec on my 500 in two weeks because of it.

8 years ago

9x50s( 1@ goal 500 pace,1@dream pace,1 EZ all on :45)
500( 200 on 2:30 @ goal pace, 100 on 1:30 build from goal to dream pace, 200 at dream pace)

All of that was done 3 times.

8 years ago

LCM, All 200’s are on 3:30, all 100’s are on 1:30, all 250’s are on 3:00
200 Fly, 200IM, 3×100 50/50 fly,back
200 Back, 200IM, 3×100 50/50 back,breast
200 Breast, 200IM 3×100 50/50 breast,free
200 Free, 200IM 3×100 50/50 fly,back, back,breast, breast,free
8x250IM 1st and 5th double fly, 2nd and 6th double back, 3rd and 7th double breast, 4th and 8th double free

8 years ago

The 3 worst sets I ever did (all SCM).
30 x 200 Free @2.30 2 firm 2 hard 1 fast
18 x200 Back @2.40 2 descend 1-6 3 times. (We had to do this in the morning and evening session that day! Which was not amusing)

20 x400 all @ 5min (except for the first one as warm up on 6min). 2 checking speed, 2 hard 1 fastest possible pace. alt 5 free and 5 backstroke.

Been out of the pool for a few years now and been about 8 years since these sets and I still feel the pain.

About Olivier Poirier-Leroy

Olivier Poirier-Leroy

Olivier Poirier-Leroy is a former national-level swimmer, swim coach, and best-selling author. His writing has been featured on USA Swimming, US Masters Swimming, NBC Sports Universal, the Olympic Channel, and much more. He has been involved in competitive swimming for most of his life. Starting off at the age of 6 …

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