Race Panic During Open Water Swimming and Triathlons


After years of staring at a black line, many former collegiate swimmers branch out into some form of open water swimming.  Like Michigan Wolverine and National Team member Andy Potts, many swimmers evolve into triathletes.

Like Andy Potts, former Princeton University distance swimmer, Tara Martin, has followed swimming into the open water and triathlons.  But, her path has not led her to the starting line at these competitions.  Instead, Dr. Martin checks in at the medical tent, where her goal is getting everyone to the finish line safely.  Dr. Martin graduated from Princeton University in 2000 as an Academic All-American and University Record Holder in distance freestyles.

After graduating Princeton, Dr. Martin competed in open water swimming events while conducting medical research in Sydney, Australia.  Later, during her emergency medicine residency, she developed an interest in triathlete safety after noticing that most of the medical problems arose from the swim portion of the competition: “I’ve spent my whole life either swimming or studying medicine, so you would hope that I could help make swimming safer from a medical standpoint.”

Every year, triathlons become more popular, appealing to former collegiate swimmers and also inexperienced swimmers.  With this increase in participation comes an increased concern for athlete safety. Recently, the Journal of the American Medical Association (“JAMA”) has pointed out that the swim portion of triathlons is by far the most dangerous.  From 2006-2008, fourteen triathletes died during fourteen triathlons. Thirteen of those fourteen deaths occurred during the swim portion of the race.  Many sources have attributed the deaths to cardiac abnormalities. However, according to JAMA, autopsies have shown that at least 22% of swimmers did not die from cardiac causes, calling into question whether cardiac problems are wholly responsible for swimming deaths.

While many athletes carry underlying cardiovascular risk factors, other causal factors now seem at least equally important.  The Washington Post noted that some of the environmental and logistical race factors might cause the triathlete to panic in the water.This race panic hypothesis is supported by anecdotal evidence from some of the world’s best swimmers.  For example, Andy Potts has recently come forward with his race panic experiences: “Panic attacks could be going on inside your head, but they’re very real. You feel like the walls are closing in, the ceiling is shrinking down…”  Despite the growing empirical evidence, there have been no scientific studies to date on the factors causing race panic during the swim portion of triathlons.  Dr. Martin set out to investigate this area.

During her tenure as George Washington University Hospital’s Chief Resident in Emergency Medicine, Dr. Martin has been studying race panic among triathletes.  Her interest in the area crystallized after she treated 26 swimmers that were pulled out of the water during the 2012 Nations Triathlon in Washington DC.  According to Dr. Martin, “as we pulled these athletes out, many confided in me, ‘I just don’t know what happened, I just was so overwhelmed out there.’ Trying to understand what was happening in the open water was what got me so interested in this topic.”

Dr. Martin drew on the medical literature to design a study probing the causes of race panic with hopes of mitigating those factors.  Her research was supported by SwimSpray, LLC, maker of a chlorine removal product designed for swimmers and triathletes.

Race Panic Appears to be Common During Open Water Swims

Surprisingly, 52% of athletes expressed feeling overwhelmed or fearful during the swim portion of triathlons.  Of those athletes, 6% withdrew because they panicked during the swim.  According to Dr. Martin, “[t]he beginning of the swim appears to be the most stressful for athletes, with many of them citing the volume of people around them and the propensity to get hit or kicked as a stress inducing factor.”

Notably, women panic more than men during the swim, 56% to 44%.

While a variety of factors contribute to the onset of panic, many athletes report that being kicked or pushed was especially stressful.

Training (Or Just Talking) with Other Swimmers Helps Lessen Race Day Stress

Dr. Martin also surveyed the athletes that have been able to overcome their fears.  Most said that having more training in open water, in the pool, or racing itself has helped them overcome their fears.  Additionally, swimmers with team experience are less likely to panic on race day.  And, organized training (with other swimmers) helps panic-prone swimmers reduce stress during subsequent competition.  People also said that talking with other triathletes who have experienced race panic has been helpful.

As far as the race logistical factors, many say a more staggered start to the swim portion has been helpful in alleviating some of the stress.

In sum, a growing body of evidence and research suggests that we should reconsider the notion that open water swimming deaths are caused by a genetic predisposition.  This is excellent news for the community because it means that swimmers can prepare to swim safely rather than accepting potential fatality as part of the sport.

About SwimSpray

SwimSpray was invented by Dr. Andrew Chadeayne, a former Princeton University swimmer and chemistry Ph.D. from Cornell University. Tired of smelling like chlorine after his swimming workouts, Andrew set out remove chlorine from hair and skin ( SwimSpray works where so many other chlorine removal products (e.g., swimmers’ shampoos) have failed previously because SwimSpray’s all-natural vitamin C based formula breaks this bond, neutralizing the chlorine, and allowing it to be washed away with your favorite soap or shampoo. Follow him on Twitter @swimspray and fan him Facebook.

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9 years ago

Just finished the Capitola Mermaid Olympic Tri. This was my first Olympic distance. two days early to swim the course. Did most of with no problem. Race day, I had a BIG panic attack in the first 100 yards and tried to talk myself out it…I was able to talk myself down to the point that I knew I wasn’t going to drown (wetsuit & Lifeguards) but could not regain control of my breath. I finished the .9 mile swim course in 50 minutes. Puked on the beach. EMT’s wanted to check me out, but besides the hurting lungs and being physically drained, I didn’t feel that bad. I did the ride (could not get my regular speed) and walked/run… Read more »

Jenn Cannon
9 years ago

My second triathlon and second open water swim was in a cold and choppy Lake Michigan. About 10 strokes into it I took a breath and ended up with a mouth and nose full of water. From that point I was in a permanent state of panic for the 750 meters. I turned over and swam on my back for a bit but couldn’t seem to catch my breath and the panic continued to worsen. I finally had to grab the sidewall where my coach was standing and helped try to guide me through the rest of the swim. Needless to say every time I put my face in the water I panicked again and felt like I was choking… Read more »

Robert Macmillan
10 years ago

My first triathlon was a sea swim after insufficient training in the pool. I was shocked by the waves and several mouthfuls of salt water and the feeling of not being in control. I decided to rest by swimming on my back for a bit whereupon the race director boat zoomed up and told me I couldn’t swim on my back because I couldn’t see where I was going. Much doggy paddle later I was last out.

10 years ago

I just completed a Tri in San Diego with my sister. We BOTH experienced shortness of breath and an anxiety. Although not swimming together, we both had to turn on our backs. We were both extremely short of breath and could not put our faces back in the water to do freestyle, except for a few strokes and then needed to turn on our backs. We both developed productive coughs that lasted throughout the remainder of the tri. We were able to complete the bike portion, but again, with a continued degree of air hunger. My sister walked the run portion and I was able to do a run/walk. We did not seek medical attention, although in retrospect we should… Read more »

bake jusa
10 years ago

I just swam my first triathlon just a couple of days ago, and I had a panic attack after about the first 100 meters. Swimming freestyle, I couldn’t catch my breath or keep my head under water for more than one or two seconds at a time, so I just flipped over on my back and did an elementary back stroke the whole rest of the way (400 meters).

10 years ago

I also have experienced these “panic attacks” during open water swims. The times i have experienced these conditions were during mass swim starts in cold water races. The last time i had a bad moment(s) was during thw escape from Alcatraz triathlom where I haf a feeling of clastrophbia (spelling?) and doom. I wanted out of the water so bad but I forced myself to keep going. I finished the race but I have minor feelings similar since then during open water swims. Talking about it helps and while I’m in the water I’ll talk to God. This gets me through.

11 years ago

Dr. Chadeayne,
Panic is very real, debilitating, and between the ears paralyzing! The number of fatal swims in triathlon spiked in 2012 with 17 in the USA in sanctioned races. This is unacceptable and more needs to be done to be able to safely compete in triathlon.
Your research and interviews of athletes, including professional triathlete Andy Potts, is terrific and insightful! Your statement that, “we should reconsider the notion that open water swimming deaths are caused by a genetic predisposition” is interesting. I believe there is a predisposition in the racing community to blame “sudden cardiac arrest” for every fatal swim. The reality is no one knows why these athletes died during competition. Even JAMA and the… Read more »

11 years ago

Re: Dave, Yes, there is a definite change in blood pressure when swimming open water due to being horizontal, so you get that dizzy sensation at times, so you are not alone here. I’ve never experienced a full panic attack with it though, but I definitely suffered mild hyperventilation in the first half of a triathlon when I was a beginner. I got over these ‘mild attacks’ by doing a lot of pool swims in busy lanes, swimming with others, and taking part in many events. You get very used to the the ‘washing machine’ starts after 4 or 5 events, There are tricks like lining up at the side of a mass start event which most times gave me… Read more »

About Gold Medal Mel Stewart

Gold Medal Mel Stewart

MEL STEWART Jr., aka Gold Medal Mel, won three Olympic medals at the 1992 Olympic Games. Mel's best event was the 200 butterfly. He is a former World, American, and NCAA Record holder in the 200 butterfly. As a writer/producer and sports columnist, Mel has contributed to Yahoo Sports, Universal Sports, …

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