Post Race Interviews: Women 100 Breaststroke Final [Videos]

by Davis Wuolle 14

June 27th, 2012 News

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Katrina Radke
12 years ago

Congrats Breeja and Steve Bultman (one who has always been a phenomenal coach and person)!

12 years ago

Breeja is such a young swimmer to have come so far. I mean this girl has been swimming less than 5 years?!?! Any one know how long? Amazing!! Can’t wait to see what Steve does for her and her preparation! go Breeja!

12 years ago

Wow.Great swim Breeja. I’m a fan!

12 years ago

Cordes is 6’6″. The Cal male breastroker (forget his name) who has the NCAA record in yards is 6’8″. Long levers help in every stroke.

Reply to  cupofjoe
12 years ago

You were looking for Damir Dugonjic

bobo gigi
12 years ago

Congrats to Breeja Larson. I think she was fully tapered so we’ll see if she can swim faster in London. It will be tough but she has made a great race. We didn’t know her potential in long course. Now we know and it’s giant. And she’s still a baby in swimming. Imagine in 1 or 2 years what times she can do!

Reply to  bobo gigi
12 years ago

Yes I bet she was tapered. But Steve Bultman is very experienced with double tapers – college conference championships with NCAAs three weeks later. I hope that Breeja is still on the fast improvement slope as an inexperienced LCM swimmer. She has one month to work on details like pacing. It was very impressive that she swam 1:06.5>1:07.0>1:05.9 at the biggest LCM of her life.

12 years ago

You don’t often see breaststrokers as tall as Breeja. Kristy Kowal was fairly tall, though I don’t think she was over 6ft.

Reply to  Keith
12 years ago

how tall is she?

Reply to  aswimfan
12 years ago

6’1 is the number I’ve always been told.

12 years ago

Breeja is great!

She is the best surprise of the meet – a two second drop in the 100 to make the team shows how special she is… She is a much bigger inspiration to me as a young swimmer than any of the major ‘NBC’ star swimmers.

12 years ago

Races like this are why I curse NBC every quadrennial. Great swim by Breeja, if she wins gold (w/ WR possibility) she should look at movie rights.