
Boris Johnson Announces 6-Week National Coronavirus Lockdown

The UK is entering a nationwide lockdown to stem the spread of the coronavirus, with closures leaving many swimmers out of the pool for even longer.


Hawaii Cancels High School State Championships, But Not Seasons

Hawaii’s High School Athletic Association has canceled its March state championships in a number of sports, but regular seasons can still go on.

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Speranza Nella Riapertura Delle Piscine Con La “Zona Bianca”

Una luce in fondo al tunnel potrebbe arrivare grazie alla proposta del ministro Franceschini di istituire una zona bianca con piscine aperte


50 Most-Read and Most-Commented SwimSwam Articles of 2020

2020 was a year of bad news, but there were some positive moments, many provided by the sport’s stars – including Caeleb Dressel.


Pennsylvania High School, Youth Swimming Will Be Allowed to Resume on January 4

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf (above) announced on Wednesday that some of the state’s protective orders, including those shutting down youth sports, will expire on Jan. 4.


More English Swimmers Out Of The Water With ‘Tier 4’ Status

More regions within the nation of England have been designated as ‘tier 4’. Hear what Swim England has to say about the situation.


Silvia Di Pietro Latest to Test Positive for COVID-19 After Italian Open Champs

The meet was a 2021 Olympic qualifier, held in Riccione from December 17 to 19. Over 450 athletes competed at the event.


Brazilian Teen Died From COVID-19 Complications After Being Cleared, Competing

14-year-old swimmer Mariana Franklin Ferreira Silva died on December 19 due to COVID-19 complications after being cleared and competing December 9-10.


Giappone Chiude Le Frontiere Per Evitare Diffusione Variante Coronavirus

Il Giappone che ospiterà i prossimi Giochi Olimpici, chiuderà le frontiere per evitare la diffusione della nuova variante coronavirus

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2020 Olympic Hosts Japan Will Close Borders on Monday to Most Foreign Nationals

The official football test event for the Tokyo2020 Olympic Games is scheduled for January 1, and the country has stopped ticket sales amid a rise in cases.


USA Swimming Publishes End-of-Year Open Letter to all Members

USA Swimming’s President and CEO Tim Hinchey III and Board Chair Bob Vincent sent out a letter to the organization’s members reflecting on the events of 2020.


Top Italian Swimmers Quarantining As COVID Positives Follow Championships

Elena di Liddo and Benedetta Pilato have tested positive for the coronavirus just days after the Italian Open, causing others to quarantine pending results.

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In Danimarca Cancellati I Campionati Previsti Per Febbraio

In Danimarca l’Unione Danese del nuoto ha deciso di cancellare i Campionati di Febbraio 2021 per consentire a tutti di partecipare

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Danish New Year Meet Cancelled As Non-Elite Swimmers Remain Dry

Although the Danish SC Championships were able to be held this month, the vast majority of swimmers within the nation are out of the water at this time.

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FINA Announces Virtual Artistic Swimming Competitions for USA and Canada

With the help of FINA, the United States Artistic Swimming and Canadian Artistic Swimming have announced a plan for virtual world series events. 

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