2018 NCAA DIII Mid-Season Conference Projections

by Kevin Hallman 8

January 07th, 2018 NCAA Division III, News

With the end of the holiday season, college swim teams will have completed their mid-season tapers and return home from winter break. Lets take a look at how some of the conference meets are projecting so far in the season. We will be using the Swimulator for this analysis of the biggest DIII conferences. Below I’ll show the simulated conference results for each conference using the top times done so far this year. For comparison, I’ll show the simulated scores from 2017 mid-season and how those teams conference meets actually scored out. Note that the final scores are based off of the top times swum for each team in a virtual meet and not the actual conference meet scores.

Some teams, Williams for example, don’t rest as much during the regular season, and so their simulated results are slower than how the team will likely perform at their conference meet.

If you’re favorite conference isn’t showing up here, don’t fear! Just head over to our Swimulator page and see the results for yourself.


MIAC 1-1-2018 Projection 1-1-2017 Projection 2017 Final
St. Thomas 862 St. Thomas 916 St. Thomas 851
Gustavus 491 Carleton 557 Gustavus 662
Carleton 466 Gustavus 521 Carleton 472
St. Olaf 432 St. Olaf 354 St. Olaf 368
St. Kate’s 292 Macalester 195 Saint Benedict 252
Saint Benedict 221 Saint Benedict 194 St. Kate’s 243
Hamline 138 St. Kate’s 156 Hamline 133
Concordia 127 Hamline 136 Concordia 116
Saint Mary’s MN 120 Concordia 98 Saint Mary’s MN 84
Augsburg 50 Augsburg 36 Augsburg 58
Macalester 138 Saint Mary’s MN 172 Macalester 164
Michigan 1-1-2018 Prediction 1-1-2017 Prediction 2017 Final
Calvin 813 Calvin 796 Calvin 787
Hope College 665 Hope College 630 Hope College 612
Albion 652 Albion 591 Kalamazoo 600
Kalamazoo 360 Kalamazoo 543 Albion 583
Alma College 150 Alma College 215 Alma College 218
Olivet 140 Olivet 156 Olivet 159
UAA 1-1-2018 Prediction 1-1-2017 Prediction 2017 Final
Emory 904 Emory 925 Emory 952
NYU 488 NYU 578 NYU 518
Chicago 449 Wash U. MO 500 Wash U. MO 473
CMU 437 CMU 378 Chicago 429
Wash U. MO 415 Chicago 364 CMU 383
Case Western 245 Rochester 171 Rochester 197
Rochester 147 Case Western 145 Case Western 130
Brandeis 110 Brandeis 112 Brandeis 113
SCIAC 1-1-2018 Prediction 1-1-2017 Prediction 2017 Final
Pomona-Pitzer 734 Claremont MS 703 Claremont MS 820
Claremont MS 686 Pomona-Pitzer 666 Pomona-Pitzer 762
Whittier 346 Redlands 395 Redlands 342
Cal Lutheran 298 La Verne 285 Chapman 310
Redlands 284 Whittier 278 Whittier 226
Chapman 215 Chapman 238 Cal Lutheran 222
Occidental 202 Occidental 213 La Verne 205
La Verne 176 Cal Lutheran 171 Occidental 153
Caltech 150 Caltech 64 Caltech 151
North Coast Athletic 1-1-2018 Prediction 1-1-2017 Prediction 2017 Final
Kenyon 945 Kenyon 901 Kenyon 911
Denison 833 Denison 845 Denison 837
Allegheny 315 DePauw 434 DePauw 394
DePauw 306 Wooster 265 Wooster 283
Wooster 302 Ohio Wesleyan 219 Oberlin 208
Ohio Wesleyan 193 Allegheny 190 Ohio Wesleyan 195
Oberlin 154 Oberlin 175 Allegheny 194
Wittenberg 142 Wittenberg 166 Wittenberg 173
Hiram 77 Hiram 72 Hiram 90
NESCAC 1-1-2018 Prediction 1-1-2017 Prediction 2017 Final
Tufts 629 Williams 709 Williams 827
Williams 600 Bates 435 Amherst 458
Bates 368 Amherst 427 Connecticut 428
Amherst 367 Tufts 405 Bates 407
Connecticut 320 Bowdoin 283 Middlebury 333
Bowdoin 283 Connecticut 229 Bowdoin 281
Wesleyan 143 Middlebury 185 Tufts 228
Hamilton 140 Wesleyan 143 Wesleyan 217
Middlebury 132 Trinity C. 86 Colby 93
Trinity C. 113 Colby 69 Trinity C. 77
Colby 44 Hamilton 10 Hamilton 54


MIAC 1-1-2018 Projection 1-1-2017 Projection 2017 Final
St. Thomas 863 St. Thomas 807 St. Thomas 833
Gustavus 599 St. Olaf 568 Gustavus 568
Carleton 386 Gustavus 515 St. Olaf 542
St. Olaf 369 Carleton 389 St. John’s 408
St. John’s 283 St. John’s 312 Carleton 334
Hamline 238 Hamline 220 Hamline 220
Saint Mary’s MN 195 Macalester 180 Macalester 170
Macalester 168 Saint Mary’s MN 138 Saint Mary’s MN 120
UAA 1-1-2018 Prediction 1-1-2017 Prediction 2017 Final
Emory 768 Emory 836 Emory 791
Wash U. MO 581 Wash U. MO 600 Wash U. MO 597
NYU 567 NYU 556 NYU 566
Chicago 523 Chicago 400 Chicago 452
CMU 298 CMU 357 CMU 314
Case Western 197 Case Western 190 Case Western 219
Brandeis 144 Brandeis 125 Brandeis 129
Rochester 117 Rochester 109 Rochester 127
North Coast Athletic 1-1-2018 Prediction 1-1-2017 Prediction 2017 Final
Kenyon 870 Kenyon 903 Kenyon 894
Denison 849 Denison 815 Denison 844
DePauw 392 DePauw 452 DePauw 405
Wabash 339 Wabash 267 Wooster 267
Wooster 254 Wooster 250 Wabash 249
Ohio Wesleyan 198 Allegheny 193 Ohio Wesleyan 196
Allegheny 148 Ohio Wesleyan 168 Allegheny 185
Oberlin 141 Oberlin 135 Oberlin 127
Wittenberg 90 Wittenberg 102 Wittenberg 118
Hiram 74 Hiram 56 Hiram 56
NESCAC 1-1-2018 Prediction 1-1-2017 Prediction 2017 Final
Tufts 781 Tufts 710 Williams 639
Williams 492 Williams 595 Amherst 521
Amherst 448 Amherst 365 Tufts 502
Bates 330 Bowdoin 282 Connecticut 486
Bowdoin 232 Bates 279 Bates 339
Connecticut 230 Connecticut 266 Bowdoin 275
Trinity C. 166 Trinity C. 190 Trinity C. 186
Wesleyan 152 Wesleyan 161 Middlebury 177
Hamilton 120 Middlebury 114 Colby 128
Colby 96 Colby 57 Wesleyan 89
Middlebury 80 Hamilton 30 Hamilton 73
SCIAC 1-1-2018 Prediction 1-1-2017 Prediction 2017 Final
Claremont MS 780 Claremont MS 729 Claremont MS 774
Pomona-Pitzer 714 Pomona-Pitzer 636 Pomona-Pitzer 723
Redlands 343 La Verne 349 Cal Lutheran 372
Cal Lutheran 336 Redlands 334 Redlands 324
Occidental 244 Cal Lutheran 297 Caltech 272
Whittier 221 Whittier 271 Whittier 255
Chapman 180 Occidental 226 La Verne 233
Caltech 120 Chapman 171 Occidental 153
La Verne 81 Caltech 80 Chapman 143
Michigan 1-1-2018 Prediction 2017 1/1 Prediction 2017 Final
Calvin 881 Albion 803 Albion 888
Albion 748 Calvin 794 Calvin 731
Kalamazoo 498 Kalamazoo 494 Hope College 520
Hope College 428 Hope College 488 Kalamazoo 482
Olivet 186 Olivet 206 Olivet 188
Alma College 127 Alma College 95 Alma College 153

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7 years ago

And it scores to 16 whereas NESCAC scores to 24. Credit for noticing all of these goes to purpleandwhite

7 years ago

Yeah, there appear to be some issues with uploading. In addition, no Diving, 50’s of stroke, or 1,000 — all big issue in NESCAC.

Reply to  Kevin Hallman
7 years ago

The problem is a bug in the way USA Swimming uploads the results. Doesn’t matter if you score to 24 if USA fails to properly upload the results. Do you have a point of contact at USA Swimming that we can discuss this problem?

7 years ago

When do you upload last weekend’s results?

Reply to  Kevin Hallman
7 years ago

There’s a bug in the loaded results. Send me an email and I’ll show you some mistakes. It involves failure to load all times and in some cases loading mis-labeling the times loaded. Or if you prefer to check on your own go the link above, select Div 3 men, NESCAC and you’ll see errors associated with Amherst versus Williams dual meet both for individual and relay events