Michigan’s Dylan Bosch Drops 400 IM From NCAA Lineup for 100 Fly

With the offical psych sheets for the 2016 NCAA Men’s Swimming & Diving Champs out, it looks as though Michigan senior Dylan Bosch has dropped the 400 IM in favor of the 100 fly.

Bosch, 2014 NCAA 200 fly champion, 2015 Big Ten Swimmer of the Year, and 11-time NCAA All-American, was a triple individual champion at the 2016 B1G Champs. He won the 200 IM, 200 fly, and 400 IM, and was expected to swim that same lineup at the upcoming NCAA Champs. After all, he finished top 8 in each of these events at every NCAA Champs since his freshman year.

His time of 3:41.61 at 2016 Big Tens is off of his best time (3:39.07) from 2014, though it would still have seeded him 10th overall. In the 100 fly, he’s entered with his 47.62 from a January quad meet with Ohio State, West Virginia, and Buffalo. The only other SCY 100 fly he’s swum this year was a 47.72 from a tri meet with UVA and Penn State in early November. His 47.62 didn’t make it under the invited cut-off time, but because Bosch is already qualified in other events, he can swim any event in which he holds a ‘B’ cut in.

Bosch’s 100 fly best is a 46.57 from 2013 Winter Nationals. Perhaps his 2016 Winter Nationals lineup, which included the 200m IM, 200m fly, and 100m fly, and not the 400m IM, was an allusion to his NCAA schedule. Regardless, a 46.57 wouldn’t have been invited this year.

The 100 fly is incredibly stacked this year, with 10 guys already under 46 seconds and two under 45. Bosch finished 5th in the 400 IM in 2015, but will venture to the 100 fly this season along with the 200 IM and his signature 200 fly.

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9 years ago

Let’s see — 400 IM, 100 fly. Gee, tough decision. He just passed the IQ test.

Swimmer A
9 years ago

I’m curious to see how he does. He’s a pretty powerful swimmer, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets in the 45 low range. And at that point it’s just as good as 3:40 low, so maybe it’s not a bad move.

9 years ago

This also lets him be a little more fresh for the 2 fly – I’m sure he’d like to win that again his senior year.

9 years ago

he probably realizes that he can’t keep up with the 4im studs this year so will go with 100 fly. don’t blame him

Reply to  weirdo
9 years ago

4im… vs longhorn 100 fly. either way its not an easy race muchacho.

9 years ago

Has there been anything on why Koski is swimming 100 free over the 1650 this year?

Kurt Rambis
Reply to  Reid
9 years ago

He doesn’t think he can beat Clark Smith

Derek Sancho Fisher
Reply to  Reid
9 years ago

Pretty interesting choice. Townley Haas has apparently been lobbying Eddie Reese to do the same, which isn’t happening this year but may happen soon. Tough to see Koski scoring more in the 100 than the 1650, though, which would have held for Haas as well (hence sticking to the 1650).

9 years ago

Complete guess here but does he swim the 4im LC and when are SA trials? Maybe the 100fly makes more sense to train and taper for in terms of making his olympic team?

I see that SA’s national championships are like 2 weeks after NCAAs – I assume that may also serve as olympic trials?

9 years ago

This is a really interesting choice. I was really hoping for him to swim the 400 IM it’s his senior year and I think he will explode. Anyone know his reason for switching it up?

Reply to  Uberfan
9 years ago

From what I’ve heard, to lighten his load going into the final day, and to help get Ian Rainey into the meet.

About Karl Ortegon

Karl Ortegon

Karl Ortegon studied sociology at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT, graduating in May of 2018. He began swimming on a club team in first grade and swam four years for Wesleyan.

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