Michigan Athletes Draft Letter to Admin over 2-Week Shutdown

by Mark Dziak 17

January 27th, 2021 Big Ten, College, Coronavirus, News

Update: Shortly after publishing, the University of Michigan released an official stay-at-home recommendation through February 7th

On Saturday we reported about the University of Michigan’s move to stop all athletic-related activities for two weeks. Since then, a “Coalition of Student-Athletes” have issued a letter to the University asking to reconsider this move; an online petition has been created as well.

In the letter the athletes recognize the severity and seriousness of the situation [5 confirmed cases of the new B.1.1.7 coronavirus strain] and question why this decision is coming from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services rather than the university itself. The athletes recognize that they have done everything they can in order to prevent the spread of the virus. They offer solutions such as addressing the cases on a team-by-team basis and state that putting healthy students in further quarantine is unnecessary and unfair. The coalition suggests  that this decision will affect both the physical and mental health of the student-athletes. 

Since the coronavirus pandemic began in 2020, there has been a trend of student-athletes and parents putting pressure on schools and conferences to reexamine decisions regarding the coronavirus. The Big Ten initially canceled their fall football season in August. The conference reversed course in September amid outcry from parents and athletes. The conference determined that they could proceed with the football season while conducting testing and monitoring student health in a proper and safe way.

Several members of the Michigan swimming & diving team shared both the open letter and petition on social media, highlighted by Head Coach Mike Bottom and World Champion swimmer Maggie MacNeil. Additionally, an individual signed the name “Mike Bottom” to the online petition and commented about the situation:

The student athletes test ever [sic] day or every other day. They are clear and yet still quarantine. Not only are they not able to pursue their sports but not able to walk free to pursue their academic goals…. How is this not a violation of their civil rights?”

Due to the shutdown imposed on Michigan athletics, the men’s and women’s swimming & diving teams have had to cancel their meets on Saturday against Big Ten rival Ohio State. Women’s Water Polo was scheduled to travel to Arizona State next week for a four-day slate and that trip has since been canceled.

Both the women’s Big Ten Swimming Championship and the women’s Big Ten Diving Championship are scheduled to start on February 24th. Assuming no change in Michigan’s decision, the women’s swimming & diving team will be able to return to the water on February 8, giving the team a little over two weeks of pool training before the Big Ten meet. 

Full Letter

The student-athletes at the University of Michigan recognize the severity of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and have done everything in our control to prevent the spread of this virus to the best of our ability. Recently, 5 confirmed cases of the B.1.1.7 strain have been found in the athletic department, which has triggered a shutdown of all athletic-related activity and the closure of all athletic facilities by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services in conjunction with the Washtenaw County Health Department. While we, the student-athletes at the University of Michigan, understand the severity of this virus and take it very seriously, we believe that this mandate from the MDHHS is unnecessary and should not only be reconsidered, but overturned.

We trust the guidance and leadership of those in charge of the health and safety of Michigan student-athletes. Given the University’s knowledge of the situation surrounding the athletic department, should a total shutdown have been necessary, it should have come from the University of Michigan leaders. Being members of both the Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County communities is something that the student-athletes at the University of Michigan value and cherish. We have done everything to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 to the greater community at large, in order to protect those who support us. The student-athletes at the University of Michigan have done their best to create social bubbles in order to limit exposure and have opted in for extensive testing protocols in order to compete in the safest manner possible. The physical and mental health of every Michigan student-athlete is at risk due to the recent mandate set in place. 

Based on the department’s testing policies, placing healthy students in quarantine is unnecessary and excessive. Placing the entirety of student-athletes in a mandated quarantine, instead of working it on a team by team basis, is unfair to the athletes who have followed all protocols necessary to compete and have had no contact with the confirmed cases. These student-athletes have gone above and beyond in order to earn the right to have a season in the midst of a pandemic. We believe that it is simply illogical to mandate a quarantine for the student-athletes given that at this point there are no extra recommended mitigation strategies outside of what athletes have already been in compliance with (masking up, social distancing, inner bubbles, etc.). The student-athletes at the University of Michigan stand united in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and keeping every member of our community safe. We are asking the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to reconsider the blanket shutdown implemented on January 24th, and allow all the student-athletes that are healthy to return to all athletic-related activities.

Sincerely and Respectfully, 

Coalition of Student-Athletes

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Time For Barta To Go
4 years ago

Why don’t they just do what they did during the past few shudowns?


Go Bucks
4 years ago


4 years ago

Ok, they are done for this season.

Let Them Swim
4 years ago

This has essentially become a competition between municipalities and institutions to see who can enact the most progressive set of restrictions and policies, nearly always concocted in a vacuum by policy makers with no expertise, and often times well in excess of CDC and Federal guidelines. They are literally moving the goal posts on these student athletes on a daily basis with no justification. Quit using the lives of these kids as a medium to voice your political views or as your soapbox to show the public how seriously you are taking the virus. If these athletes have adhered to the protocols you established for them in order to compete, which are well within current guidelines, then let them compete.… Read more »

Reply to  Let Them Swim
4 years ago

I don’t think you really want to play that game. Because there are a lot of programs that have NOT adhered to protocols and are still competing.

I think you’d lose more with the level of accountability that you’ve just asked for than with what is currently happening.

Let Them Swim
Reply to  QuestLove
4 years ago

My point exactly. How did I watch a National Championship FBS game a few weeks ago, a full schedule of NCAA and NBA basketball games last night, and both the NFC and AFC Championship game this past weekend (with fans!) with no issues? Seems they are all competing within their established set of protocols. If a program fails to adhere, then they shouldn’t be allowed to compete. I won’t even get into how little sense many of these policies make (taking a bus to the stadium with your teammates, running around for 45 minutes on the court while breathing heavy and sweating, but then putting a mask on while sitting next to the same group 15 feet away on the… Read more »

Reply to  Let Them Swim
4 years ago

Very well said. Tough times for all but don’t use hard working, compliant young adults as pawns to get political points. Professors, administrators and even overweight AD should get vaccinated ASAP as they are pushing this not athletes. More college students dying of suicide or drug overdose than Covid. Good luck to team they deserve better especially since most swimmers are truly Student/Athletes.

Just Saying
Reply to  Let Them Swim
4 years ago


Reply to  Let Them Swim
4 years ago

Maybe this was never about the virus 🧐

4 years ago

Good luck Meeechegan

4 years ago

AD Manuel is a political hack. Doing whitmers bidding

Punish healthy innocent kids

Troll Longhorn
Reply to  Doconc
4 years ago

They should have doubled up on the masks. 😷😷

Reply to  Troll Longhorn
4 years ago

OnLy 50% eFfEcTiVe!¡

4 years ago

Not just the athletes any longer. Breaking at 3:00 PM CST, the entire U of M has been asked to stay home until Feb. 7. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2021/01/27/um-students-asked-stay-place-slow-spread-new-covid-strain/4282557001/

4 years ago

They are allowing high school swim meets but not college practices? Makes no sense.

Reply to  Oldmanswimmer
4 years ago

It does make sense. The MDHHS has an order that allows participation in amateur, non-contact indoor sports. MHSAA boys’ swim teams have been following all state and school issued guidelines and have been doing a great job at preventing the spread during their season. The many B.1.1.7. cases were at the University, and there hasn’t been an outbreak among Michigan’s high school swim teams.