Fitter and Faster Swim Tour Bethesda & Greenville Photo Vault
Olympians Nick Thoman, Kim Vandenberg & Kate Ziegler headline the Fitter and Faster Swim Tour Bethesda, Maryland & Greenville, South Carolina clinics.
Jennings And Larson to Participate in World’s Largest Swimming Lesson
USA Swimming National Team members Christine Jennings (Longmont, Colo.) and Breeja Larson (Mesa, Ariz.) will help kids understand the fundamentals…
University of Louisville Professor Johnmann To Swim The English Channel
The first man to swim the English Channel, unassisted and observed, was Matthew Webb, who completed the swim from to Dover Calais on August 25, 1875 in a time of 21 hours, 45 minutes.
Olympic Gold Medalist Swimmer Amanda Beard to Appear on “Celebrity Wife Swap”
Four-time Olympian Amanda Beard will appear on the ABC reality show on Tuesday, June 24th.
Phelps, Lochte make cameos in “Baby Got Back” Brian Williams rap, courtesy of the Tonight Show
Keep your eyes out for Olympic stars Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte, who make sneaky appearances in this Tonight Show bit. (Video courtesy of The Tonight Show on YouTube).
Fitter and Faster Swim Tip: How to battle nerves before a big race
Olympic Champion Alyssa Anderson says battling nerves before your big race is very manageable if you do two simple things…
Clocks Dedicated at Doty Memorial Mile Swim
Of the dedication ceremony, Massachusetts Open Water Swimming Association President Greg O’Connor says, “It feels good to see the open water swimming community give back to someone who gave so much of himself.”
Drills with Paddles: 5 Days of Swim Training Sets
For coaches and swimmers looking to improve timing and strength in the water, single arm drilling is a simple solution. Incorporating a single arm drill into each practice allows for technique-based drilling without sacrificing too much time on intervals.
World’s Most Advanced Swim Workout & Training Platform To Launch at launches into beta, bringing swimming one step closer to a future of constant connectivity and feedback.
Interviews with the USA Swimming 10K Champs Becca Mann and Andrew Gemmell
If you love open water like we love open water, then you had to appreciate the great racing brought by…
Two Secrets of College Recruiting: Shoe Size and Kicking Ability
College swim coaches are all strapped for time. Only a handful of programs have big staffs with recruiting coordinators. The rest of the coaches have to do everything themselves, maybe with help from a grad assistant.
ISHOF Celebrates 100 Years of Water Safety – Video Feature
Swimming video feature is courtesy of the International Swimming Hall of Fame (ISHOF).
Olympic Gold Medalist Janet Evans, Jaon Lezak will give free lessons during the water safety session.
17-year-old cancer survivor Angeli Rivera back in the water and still defying odds
It’s been a whirlwind 10 months for 17-year-old Angeli Rivera. But for the Puerto Rican swimmer, the roller-coaster ride is right back where it started – in the pool.
How to Build a Triathlete
Elite triathlon coach Matt Dixon reveals the approach he has used to turn age-group triathletes into elite professionals and champions.