Lessons From Legends: Swimming Traditions
Most swimmers of high school and college age participate in the tradition of shaving down at the end of a season, perhaps getting a special hair cut, making posters and maybe eating a traditional pre-race meal.
Eve and Candace on: Michael Phelps Comeback
Eve and Candace are the world’s number one swimming fans and reporters on all aspect of swim lifestyle content.
Analysis of World Records and Gender: Predict World Record Trends through Regressional Analysis
For as long as there have been World Records for competitive swimming, many people have wanted to know if the females will ever catch up to the males. There have been several reasons listed for why the genders stay separated by time, and many of them are obvious, but in today’s age, we have seen several female athletes attempt to compete with the men, some even successfully.
Fifty Years Ago: ISHOF Remembers JFK
Kennedy had been a swimmer at Harvard when Kiphuth was coaching Yale. Swimming helped JFK survive WWII and become the war hero that helped launch his political career. He also swam in the White House pool almost every day to relieve his chronic bad back.
Lessons From Legends: Coach Ray Bussard, An Independent Mind
Is your approach to competitive swimming as a coach, athlete or parent out of the mainstream? Do you think differently…outside the box? Then consider your perspective to what Coach Ray Bussard injected into the sport during his relatively short, 21-year coaching career.
Program Development with Chris Hadden: Establishing Philosophies and Values – Part I
“As far as staffing goes, Chris looks for three main things from his assistants: 1) reliability, 2) skilled when working with the youth, and 3) capabilities for learning.”
Lessons From Legends: USA Swimming’s Enduring Roses
“In November of 1975, the hotel convention room in Santa Ana, California was packed with young swim coaches attending USC Coach Peter Daland’s Western States Coaches Clinic. They sat eagerly, waiting to learn from experienced coaches, several of whom were among the best in the world. The 1976 Olympic year was underway…”
Connecting Swimming To: 12 Years a Slave, Solomon Northup, The Underground Railroad And The Lack Of Diversity In Aquatics
Bruce Wigo, ISHOF CEO, connects swimming to Solomon Northup’s biography, Twelve Years A Slave. (Featured image: Chiwetel Ejiofor, star of the Summit Entertainment film, depicts the struggles of Solomon Northup.)
Lessons From Legends: Sue Pitt Anderson and Brave Young Girls
The attempt to balance the opportunities for women to those of men didn’t get a firm push forward until Title IX was passed in 1972. Even after it became law it took another 10 years to begin to make a substantial impact on extending girls careers in swimming beyond high school and providing a wide breadth of collegiate opportunities.
Celebrating in the Pool: Senator John McCain Hates it
Senator John McCain is one elected representative who is undistracted by the looming government shutdown in less than two weeks. Instead Senator McCain is focussing on the important issues. And what could be more important than the LA Dodgers celebrating in the Arizona Diamondbacks’ pool?
What’s Going On In Age Group Swimming
There is a generation of teenage stars, particularly male, in American swimming right now of the likes we have never seen before. (Photo of Chris DeSantis, author, Credit: Tim Binning, TheSwimPictures)
David Teaches Gary How to be Cool
He’s not even being ironic when he does it either. You should’ve seen Gary’s face…but seriously, Gary, the Harlem Shake?
Dave and Gary Wrestle with Stuff
Is today the day that the column makes some (some) sense? Find out for yourself, in this installment of: Point? Counter Point!
Chris Michael Joins Point? Counter Point!
Chris Michael used to make funny swim videos for a show called Chlorination. And oddly enough, he has not hit rock bottom, now working for emerging media giant Fullscreen. Which makes it unclear why he’s talking to us. Hm.