Johnny Williams Ties Longtime Massachusetts Record In Season

Johnny Williams, the recent transplant who has since commited to the University of Massachusetts, has already made his mark on Massachusetts swimming. In a dual meet this past weekend vs Belchertown, Williams tied the 40 year old state record of Bob Hagberg in the 100 butterlfy (49.19).

That the record has stood for so long is indicative of how ahead of his time Hagberg was. While his SCY time was not recognized nationally, it would have made him the top SCY butterflyer in his age group. As it was he ended up in the top ten nationally in LCM.

Hagberg would go on to a NCAA career at Stanford University, where he managed to score a few points for them at the NCAA championship

Williams has been rapidly improving since his move from Las Vegas to Northampthon, Massachusetts. His best in 2014 was 51.62. which he has since lowered to this current record. Since this was just a normal dual meet, expect Williams to lower the standard and break the tie with Hagberg later this season.


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9 years ago

As a former w.mass swimmer myself, congrats to Johnny Williams and a hat tip to Bob Hagberg for a legendary record that lasted a long, long time. Looking forward to see what might happen at states. Also, for those keeping an eye on these meets, watch out for David Fitch, who will likely establish himself as the best freestyle sprinter the region has ever produced.

About Chris DeSantis

Chris DeSantis

Chris DeSantis is a swim coach, writer and swimming enthusiast. Chris does private consulting and coaching with teams and individuals. You can find him at Chris is a 2009 Graduate from the Masters of Applied Positive Psychology program at the University of Pennsylvania. He was the first professional athletic coach …

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