How’d You Do On Our Weekend Swimming Crossword Puzzle?

by Retta Race 3

June 15th, 2020 Lifestyle

Did you get a chance to sharpen up those pencils and get to work on the latest SwimSwam Crossword Challenge? This was #4 in our series of checkered brain teasers meant to keep your mind engaged and on point as some of us are slowly making our way back to the pool.

This edition mixed some past stats with current events, while some general swimming jargon was thrown in for extra fun.

Look for more crossword puzzles coming your way, varying in difficulty. From the reader comments, this one appeared to be easier than the previous 3.

Below is the original puzzle, with the answers depicted at the bottom of the post.

Instructions to complete online:

  • Click a cell on the crossword grid, or click a clue
  • Click twice on a cell to toggle between across and down
  • The active cell is highlighted in blue
  • Start typing in the word
  • Hit enter when you are done typing in the word
  • The word will turn green or red if you got it right or wrong
  • You can use the tab and shift-tab keys to move around the crossword and the arrow keys

SwimSwam Crossword Challenge #4

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Lane 8
4 years ago

This one’s pretty easy compared to the other ones (or is just me getting better at crosswords) but what is beathing?

Reply to  Lane 8
4 years ago

I know, I can actually do this one.

Reply to  SwimFL
4 years ago

Is that good or bad?

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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