HardCore Swim of the Week: Michael Phelps finds his statement swim in Athens

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The 2014 “Michael Phelps Comeback Tour” has been all it was billed to be, from quick sprints to sold-out spectator seating. But in the pool, things had been slowing down some for Mr. Swimming as his 100 fly times had started to plateau after a surprisingly-fast start.

The 100 fly, the one clear staple so far of Phelps’ second-career lineup, saw Phelps start at 52.13 at Mesa Grand Prix, tie that time on the nose in Charlotte, then cut just .02 off it at Santa Clara. After that last race in particular, Phelps seemed visibly frustrated with his lack of improvement.

Maybe that frustration was the key, because in his next competition, Phelps finally broke through, blasting his way to a 51.67 in dominating the tough Athens Bulldog Grand Slam over the weekend. Not to say Phelps’ earlier swims weren’t impressive, but his comeback to that point had still lacked the really big breakout swim that would put the whole world on edge concerning his return.

51.67 seconds after the starter’s beep, Phelps had his statement swim.

That time ranks #2 in the world for 2014, and is just .07 out of the top slot. Phelps is no stranger to being at the top of lists, and you don’t get the sense he’s lost his drive to be the best over his year-and-a-half-long retirement.

What might be most exciting are the splits. Phelps was out in 24.3 and back in 27.2 – consider that Phelps, at his best, typically back-halfs his races and you’ll see some intriguing room for improvement over the final 50 as the most decorated Olympian of all-time continues to work his way back into racing condition.

Without even speaking to improvement, if Phelps can merely repeat that time at next month’s nationals, he should be a clear-cut “A” finalist with an excellent shot at qualifying for both Worlds and Pan Pacs. And if he can find some more speed in that 6’4″ frame before Irvine? Then he might be heading back into international competition as the world’s best in an event he’s ruled on the Olympic stage for the past decade.

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9 years ago

There’s no way that I’m gonna miss Nationals & all Phelps’ races in Irvine. Oxygen tank might be needed when watching & cheering him on in the 100 fly race. 🙂

Mr. Phelps: you are well-loved & admired. Please visit swimswam.com and check out this thread! lol

10 years ago

It’s kind of crazy to me that everyone is making so many predictions about Phelps events and placings at the ’16 Olympics based on what we have seen so far. I don’t even think The Goat even knows what events he will do in Rio. It all depends on what level of fitness he can get to between now and then. Bowman said they are doing the short events to test speed. That doesn’t necessarily mean Michael plans to turn into a sprinter. I suspect after the results this summer he and Bob will conclude speed is decent but endurance is lacking and they will kick up the volume. Now if Phelps plans to only train 5x a week for… Read more »

10 years ago

Phelps wasn’t even suppose to be swimming the 400IM in London TBH. He should have just dropped it like he said he would in the beginning. But anyone who knows anything about Phelps knows he says some things but sometimes goes back on them (i.e. retirement,). I just think thats because he is a very competitive individual. He wants to win period. No matter who he races against. That being said, I believe that this time around Phelps knows what his limitations are. I don’t think he’s stupid. He knows that if he makes it to 2016 he will be 4 years older. I think his best chance to medal is the 100fly.
Also @Rafael I agree with you… Read more »

Reply to  112
10 years ago

112 – If you’d posted comments like this one on the articles from a few weeks ago, no one would have given you a hard time.

MHS Coach
10 years ago

I watched Phelps swim in person at Santa Clara, he has every capability of going an event each day. He isn’t training as much as he did in the past but I can guarantee you, he still has room to push up his training a bit, if he and Bob choose for him to do so. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to see him go one event a day, especially considering he really did have a decent meet at Santa Clara going 4 events in 3 days.

We Love Phelps
10 years ago

29 is too old for a man to swim multiple events???
no, i dont think so. if you are fit & healthy…esp if u are MP…. why can’t one do it?
Phelps had goals in his mind and he will def achieve them (no matter what) just like he did in the past 10 years.
so looking forward to Nationals & can’t wait to see what events Phelps will be swimming in Irvine. 😀
100 free, 200 free, 100 fly, 200 IM, 100 back, 200 back — whatever event he chooses to swim….it’s going to be thrilled to watch…certainly.
best wishes to Phelps!

Reply to  We Love Phelps
10 years ago

That’s what I’m saying. What other sport is a man past his prime when he’s 30? lol

Reply to  Flyin'
10 years ago

Nobody is saying he is old.. but he is not getting any younger and probably can´t take as much training as before.. I think everbody thinks he is as capable as ever on doing some events like the 100 fly.. but thinking he will redo his 2007/2008 shows are somehow more of a fan wish than a reality…

Everybody saw 2012 London that he did not medal on 400 IM and swimming that event probably cost him the 200 fly…and that is with him not swimming the 200 free..

Now people want he to swim the 200 free against Park Agnel Sun who are younger than him and all other events? And on 100 free/100 back he would have to… Read more »

Reply to  Rafael
10 years ago

Good to see some well thought out, rational commentary. It’s fun to put out “fan wish” nostalgic fantasy, but in Rio MP will be dealing with harsh reality. Give the guy a break, and keep the expectations real. He will thank you for it when he meets or beats the expectations and comes home with the medals.

Reply to  Billabong
10 years ago

You are probably right but in actuality Phelps did better in the events later in the meet. (in 2012)

10 years ago

My prediction is that the 200 and 100 free is just for relay purposes only. Put up a fast time to show that he can still be on it. Then focus on the 100 fly/back and 200 IM individually.

At least that’s what I think the plan is for this summer. Next summer…WHO KNOWS!

10 years ago

Totally agree with Bobo there. Then again, I would love to be wrong!

10 years ago

Phelps will be ready for next month, he always pushes himself and strives the hardest. That’s my boy!

We Love Phelps
Reply to  Nikki
10 years ago

yes, and it’s one of the reasons why Phelps is my MOST favorite Olympic swimmer. 😀
Go MP!

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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