Garrett Reports: SwimSwam News, March 26th

Cal swimming goes two for two for the second year in a row. Some up and coming American swimmers leave their mark on world best times and national age group records. And a sprint superstar will be watching from the stands in London. All that and more on this episode of SwimSwam News.

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12 years ago

Great to have Garrett back out front! Between Garrett and Braden we are all going to be in great hands! Keep it up SwimSwam! My new home page!

12 years ago

If you have any doubt that “Garrett Reports” in world record time, just visit any other swim website this morning (if you still have any in your favorites- I won’t after today) and compare how much swimming news you got for the equivalent 3.48.90 seconds. Who has a half hour to invest when 3.48.90 gives you what this report does from a source we all trust. Please Swim Swam, keep it up! We need this kind of concise, modern day delivery for our swimming updates.

12 years ago

Garrett…well done, again! So happy you’re back reporting swim news!

12 years ago

so psyched to see garrett back in the business again.

About Garrett McCaffrey

No one lives the sport of swimming like Garrett McCaffrey. A Division I swimmer who spent 4 years covering the sport as a journalist, now coaches club swimming and competes as a masters swimmer, Garrett truly lives the sport of swimming. After graduating from University of Missouri’s award winning journalism program …

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