FINA Announces Another Rules Change to Breaststroke Pullouts

FINA has announced a rules change to the breaststroke underwater pullout – the latest change to try and give officials a fighting chance, and athletes an even chance, at adhering to the ever-more-complex breaststroke rules.

In the vote, FINA approved a new interpretation of allowing the single dolphin kick on the pullout to come at any time before the first breaststroke kick. Previously, the rules required some separation of the hands before the first dolphin kick. The change will be effective immediately.

Initially, when the dolphin kick was added, most athletes did the dolphin kick clearly during the pull-down. That water became muddied, however, when many swimmers began doing the pullout while effectively still in a streamline – especially in Europe and South Africa, where swimmers were breaking World Records.

That pushed FINA to mandate separation of the hands, which created a very fine inspection of technique where swimmers would create a slight separation of hands, but remain effectively in a streamline.

Now, the rule allows the dolphin kick off of each wall to happen at any point prior to the breaststroke kick.

While that tweak in technique was slow to catch on in the United States, American high school rules already allowed this change beginning with the 2013-2014 season.

The rules still don’t require an underwater pullout at all, which has led some coaches to speculate on ways to take advantage. Specifically, for swimmers who are not primarily breaststrokers, some coaches we’ve spoken to have suggested that in a long event like the 400 IM, they might have their swimmers skip the pullout altogether and instead just do a single dolphin kick before coming up begin their above-water stroke.

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yaneize Aukauloo
9 years ago

I would like to know. If someone is doing fly and his kick often are breastroke. Is that allowed. Been told to shut up cause that is not mentioned in the rule for fly…can anyone help

i love breastroke
10 years ago

should i start practicing this now for my big mid season on the 11 of dec.???

Fredrick Omega
10 years ago

With me it sounds much confusing to elite swimmers. But if you can give me the video then we can explain it better to swimmers.
please get me into the idea then i will be able to explain to athletes.

10 years ago

November 29, 2014 at 5:56 pm

What don’t they just eliminate breaststroke and be done with it.
Fiind cel mai lent procedeu de inot Brasul a avut parte de cele mai multe schimbari de regulament urmare a tot atat de multe incercari de a ‘perfectiona’ miscarile in scopul cresterii vitezei; prin anii 1926-27, ‘inovatia’germanului Rademakerm a condus la aparitia celui de-al 4 procedeu de inot – fluture cu picioare bras.

Reprezintă o modalitate veche a oamenilor de a înainta în apă; ca toate mişcările de înot dealtfel, Brasul sugerează mişcări de căţărat, de depăşire a unui obstacol (alură comună începătorilor puţin înstruiţi).

Este de remarcat: tehnica de înot Bras, ne referim… Read more »

10 years ago

November 29, 2014 at 5:56 pm

What don’t they just eliminate breaststroke and be done with it.
Fiind cel mai lent procedeu de inot Brasul a avut parte de cele mai multe schimbari de regulament urmare a tot atat de multe incercari de a ‘perfectiona’ miscarile in scopul cresterii vitezei; prin anii 1926-27, ‘inovatia’germanului Rademakerm a condus la aparitia celui de-al 4 procedeu de inot – fluture cu picioare bras.

Reprezintă o modalitate veche a oamenilor de a înainta în apă; ca toate mişcările de înot dealtfel, Brasul sugerează mişcări de căţărat, de depăşire a unui obstacol (alură comună începătorilor puţin înstruiţi).

Este de remarcat: tehnica de înot Bras, ne referim… Read more »

10 years ago

I like the idea of cameras but I think if you are caught cheating there should be consequences, more than just DQ’d – to do multiple kicks off the start on entry or doing a fly kick at the beginning and end of the pull down requires training /practice – if you are practicing to cheat there should be harsher consequences when caught – it’s the same as doping – the athlete is intentionally doing it, ban them and their coaches for a period! Harsh but it will clean up the sport.

Reply to  richard
10 years ago

I like it. I’d say increasing fines would do for a first and second offense, with suspensions following after 3.

10 years ago

Cut the fly kick out already, never should have been allowed to begin with. Darn you Kitajima!

Shabbir Kapasi
10 years ago

Hello, can anyone help me with a video explanation on the new Breast Stroke pull out rule.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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