Michael Phelps to be Featured in ESPN The Magazine’s Body Issue

by Christine Wixted 22

June 25th, 2014 News

Despite the fact that no swimmers were nominated for this year’s ESPY Awards, ESPN may be trying to do a little recon by featuring the greatest Olympian of all time in their annual Body Issue.

The magazine, which will hit news stands July 11, will feature Michael Phelps along with 21 other athletes, revealing “it” all for the world to see. The issue’s main focus is to celebrate athletic form and present a diverse group of athletes whose bodies have allowed them to achieve a great deal of success.

Phelps admitted to gaining thirty pounds throughout his short-lived retirement but as we’ve seen him progress through his slew of Grand Prix meets, he’s been toner and leaner each month he’s hit the water.  Perhaps committing to  this all nude photo shoot was the extra motivation Phelps needed to get his body back into tip top shape.

The 21 other athletes that will be joining Phelps in this out-of-uniform shoot will be Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch, five-time Wimbledon champ Venus Williams, Texas Rangers first baseman Prince Fielder, and Oklahoma City Thunder Serge Ibaka.

Check out the full press release and a sneak peak video from the shoot here.

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Lane Four
10 years ago

Probably like the Gary Player issue last year. Naked but showing nothing but an incredibly fit and athletic body. This has been done before many times so it’s nothing nude…sorry, I meant new.

Diana McCandless
10 years ago

I was a little mortified when I read the headline, thinking “what will the swim community think?!” But on closer inspection of last year’s photos, I guess its not really porn, it’s tastefully done & not full frontal. I guess this is just more if his “putting the spotlight on swimming”

10 years ago

And the Rio hype has begun…

Justin Thompson
Reply to  112
10 years ago

Hey, just curious what does the 112 stand for? Is that your 100m Fr personal best?

10 years ago

Can’t wait too see it! He looked really fit in Santa Clara! His abs are amazing

10 years ago

I’m not sure that I really want to see this…….but oh well if I must

Kevin T
10 years ago

I am impressed with how extraordinarily fit Michael Phelps looks these days. They say he gained 30 pounds in his retirement but look at him now. He looks better than ever.

Reply to  Kevin T
10 years ago

Couldn’t agree more.
The man has possessed such an amazing body — hot-n-sexy I would say. 🙂
And it was awesome to see Phelps swim last weekend in Santa Clara!

Reply to  Hippo-ki
10 years ago

Wet and hot in SCGP

10 years ago

I think that Phelps being naked would scar his fans, including me.

Reply to  bobthebuilderrocks
10 years ago

Scar his fans? What are you talking about? Never seen a naked male’s body?

Reply to  Lili
10 years ago

Well, I’m a 13 year old boy, so I guess if it counts seeing your own body, then yes. But I doubt that little girls have seen naked boys, let alone nake men.

Reply to  bobthebuilderrocks
10 years ago

If you’re 13, then The Body issue isn’t for you anyway, kiddo.

Reply to  bobthebuilderrocks
10 years ago

That is an excellent point….and a very mature comment.

Mike D
Reply to  bobthebuilderrocks
10 years ago

This annual issue is very tastefully done. There is no full frontal. These photos are less revealing than many classical paintings and sculpture. If anyone’s ever seen Michelangelo’s David they’ve seen more than ESPN Mag shows.

10 years ago

I have about 6 women friends from France who always wanted to see Phelps naked. This will be their chance. For some reason they love Phelps over there.

Reply to  112
10 years ago

I’m betting Phelps won’t be naked for the issue… who wants that bet???

Reply to  Gold Medal Mel Stewart
10 years ago

Hopefully not. We practically see him almost naked whenever he swims.

Reply to  Gold Medal Mel Stewart
10 years ago

The behind the scenes video shows he’s got his speedo off, but i doubt they will be showing any full frontal.

Reply to  Lisa
10 years ago

ESPN the body issue, every athlete is naked. just covering up their naughty bits.

Reply to  mcmflyguy
10 years ago

From the scientific sake of perspective that the issue is going for, I think a Phelps vs. Lochte comparison would accomplish a lot of what they’re shooting for – showing the different shapes and sizes that excel. Those two have very different body types.

Reply to  Gold Medal Mel Stewart
10 years ago

I think he will be nude but not naked (as in standing, full frontal) because that’s boring. He, like all Olympic athletes, is really proud of his body. Being a bystander and not able to compete, he put on 30 lb and has now apparently nearly taken it all off. Why not REALLY take it all off? Tastefully done, I hope.

About Christine Wixted

Hailing from the Mile High city of Denver, CO, Christine Wixted is a current senior at Duke University. Her swimming career started at the age of 12 and is soon coming to a close with only one semester of collegiate compeition left. Throughout her four years at Duke, she has …

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