Daily Swim Coach Workout #663

SwimSwam’s daily swimming workout series is a collection of workouts written by coaches from a variety of backgrounds. All daily swimming workouts have been written using Commit Swimming. The workouts themselves are not indicative of SwimSwam’s or Commit’s views on training. They strictly reflect the opinions of the author swim coach.

Workout Context

  • Purpose:  Race Specificity
  • Target age group:  19-22 years old
  • Target level:  National/ Collegiate Level
  • Weeks until target meet:  8 weeks
  • Team Location:  United States
  • Course:  50 Meters
  • Shared workout link:  Click here to view this workout on commitswimming.com

The Workout

1×400                        White – Swim Paddlehead
6×100 @ 2:20             Pink – Kick with Snorkel and Board
6×50 @ 1:30                 Red – [ Large Fish ] Kick w/ Fins
6×100 @ 1:40             Pink – Drill/Swim w/ Fins [ 2x Drills: Iceberg / Pope’s Drill / Soft Hands ]

1×800 @ 10:30[ /11:20/12:00 ]                                Pink – Pull w/ P & [B] [ Do the right interval for you ]
4×300 @ 4:10[ /4:00/3:50/3:50 || 4:25/4:15/4:05/4:05 ]     Red/Orange – Swim Descending Interval
[ +:10s & Fins on the last 100 of the final 300 (500 P & Feel) ]
1×800 @ 10:30[ /11:20/12:00 ]                             Pink – Pull w/ P & [B] [ Do the right interval for you ]
3×400 @ 5:30[ /5:10/5:10 || 5:50/5:30/5:30 ]                 Red/Orange – Swim Descending Interval
[ +:10s & Fins on the last 200 of the final 400 (500 P & Feel) ]
1×800 @ 10:30[ /11:20/12:00 ]                                Pink – Pull w/ P & [B] [ Do the right interval for you ]
2×500 @ 6:30[ /6:20 || 6:55/6:45 ]                             Red/Orange – Swim Descending Interval
[ +:10s & Fins on the last 300 of the final 500 (500 P & Feel) ]

[ Focus: Count your strokes on the 800, don’t let yourself go more than +4 of your original SC ]
[ Focus: Today is about getting tough, making the interval, and consistency. Ride that line between automatic and engaged. ]

8×50                         White – O = [ Partner Push ] Kick / E – Under Water Swim (Relaxed)

Competitive sports are played mainly on a five-and-a-half inch court; the space between your ears. -Bobby Jones

Coach Notes

The swim coach was asked to define any shorthand he or she used in this workout. Their notes should provide some additional context to this swimming workout.

Iceberg – Kick on your back in position to reset posture.
Pope’s Drill – Streamline Kick -> Kick in posture -> 4 strokes -> Back to streamline kick and continue.
Soft Hands – Look at your hands and try to eliminate all bubbles on your fingertips upon entry

Ryan Bubb
Assistant Coach, Florida Atlantic University

SwimSwam’s daily swimming workout is powered by Commit Swimming.

Commit Swimming

Swimming news for swim coaches and swim teams, courtesy of Commit Swimming. Click here to view all daily swimming workouts on SwimSwam.

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