Open Water Swimming Updates: Not easy Getting around Manhattan; McCardel is in Cuba

Swimming in the open water can be tough; currents, cold water, distance and other factors are challenging. Swimming around New York’s Manhattan Island takes it to a new level. Saturday NYC Swims staged the annual  Manhattan Island Marathon Swim (aka MIMS) and Australian Paul Newsome took the 2013 title in 7 hours 14 minutes and 53 seconds. Only 11 swimmers from the 39 entered finished the grueling 28.5 mile swim without assistance (several swimmers were listed with boat assisted finishes). Australian marathon swimmers dominated the finishers; 5 of the 11 swimmers were from Australia, including Newsome and 17 year old Lochie Hinds. The conditions are always a challenge in this counter clockwise swim around Manhattan, but the cold and currents made this year’s event especially difficult.

Chloe McCardel’s website indicates her her Cuba to Florida Swim can go off at any moment. McCardel is now in Cuba and her support crew is assembling as they prepare for the mammoth swim. McCardel is attempting to be the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without assistance. McCardel is raising funds for cancer through her swim.

Famed marathon swimmers Diana Nyad has attempted this swim 4 times but has been thwarted by environmental conditions – most notably jelly fish. Nyad has released a video on her website announced a 5th attempt later this swummer.


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11 years ago

Way to Boys & girls from Oz. Eh NYorkers – cat got your goggles?

Other entrants of note – a gent from Sandy Hook & the team of Soviet Invaders from Canuckstan.

I congratulate NY for cleaning up the Hudson . It was an honour to cross it recently after being disgusted last time I visited. Special thanks to that ole leftie Peter Seeger who. Has been tireless in his efforts.

About Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis is a freelance commercial, sport and lifestyle photographer based in San Diego.  Mike began making photos in the early 80’s and immersed himself in all aspects of the photographic arts.  Mike’s professional career in in photography began after 12 years working within the United States Olympic movement; he …

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