Dear Katrina: Dryland with Olympic Swim Coach, Ross Gerry

by Katrina Radke 4

September 11th, 2012 Lifestyle, Training

Dear Katrina,

I want to get stronger. What do you recommend?

I have the pleasure of introducing you to Ross Gerry. This is the first of several interviews where he discusses strength and flexibility routines that will help you have a better understanding of what is best to do in order to be strong for swimming.

He is an Olympic Coach and former Stanford Associate Head Coach of Women’s Swimming, where they won 6 NCAA Division I titles in 7 years. Additionally, he is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist who has taught and still creates programs for athletes globally. During his days at Stanford, he developed all of the dryland programs that helped them win.

In this video, he will first explain the importance of doing a strength program that is specific for swimmers, vs. a general program that often is taken from football players, weight lifters, or body builders. Additionally, he shares the importance of using one’s range of motion, maintaining elongated posture, and then the ability to sustain strength throughout a race.

He also has co-created 7 Ultimate Fitness Routines, which gives coaches, athletes, and teams a full season’s worth of dryland that they can do easily with little to no equipment.

If you wish to learn more about them, or to purchase them, you can go to: and click on ONLINE STORE in upper right to buy DVD package. To receive $20 off the package now through end of November, please use promo code: SWIMSWAM

If you have questions for him, you can email him at [email protected].



Katrina Radke is an Olympic Swimmer, and Bestselling Author of Be Your Best Without the Stress, where she shares her own Olympic story, and tools for you to realize your true potential.

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Old Coach
11 years ago

This is informative. Thank you for contributing.

Dr. Evil
11 years ago

Vessels….Posture….DVD’s for sale??

Dr. Evil Is impressed..!!

You have come a long way grasshopper!!!

11 years ago

Good insights, Ross! Nobody wants to be a “square” moving through the water.

BTW, you’re looking good! Hope you make more SwimSwam videos.

Ross Gerry
Reply to  Roger von Oech
11 years ago

Thanks for the kind words Roger, and Dr Evil? There will be 2 more parts to the interview, so stay tuned!

About Katrina Radke

Katrina Radke, MFT, is an internationally recognized Olympian, therapist, college psychology instructor, and a peak performance and health coach for many fields, including business, sport psychology, fitness, wellness and nutrition. She is a motivational speaker for corporate, educational and public events, and works with top physicians and health professionals. She …

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