Japanese; Kazakhstan Relays Pulled from Olympics

There have been two huge changes, made today, to the Olympic relay qualifying list by FINA.

The first was not unexpected. FINA has finally incorporated the results from the 2011 Pan Am Games into the lists, which bumps Brazil’s men’s 400 free and medley relays into a much better seeded position. More notably, that eliminates the 16th-place *tie* that had existed between the Brazilian and Kazakhstan men’s 400 medley relay at 3:36.99, and Kazakhstan’s qualified relay has been removed from the list of qualified relays.

This will be a tough situation for the four men from Kazakhstan who were supposed to be on the relay; on the one hand, they didn’t truly earn a top-16 spot, but on the other hand, when we last talked to one of the relay-members two weeks ago, he said it had not even been brought up to them as a possibility by their federation.

The other is a bit of a surprise – the Japanese men have decided to scratch their men’s 400 free relay. This relay would have been seeded 11th headed into the meet, and was unlikely to medal. What’s more, their men’s sprinters haven’t had a good year, so they probably weren’t going to final, but this eliminates Japan as one of the 10 countries that had a full compliment of 9 entries.

The full grid of qualified relays is below.

Men Women
4×100 Free 4×200 Free 4×100 Medley 4×100 Free 4×200 Free 4×100 Medley
1 Australia United States United States 1 Netherlands United States United States
2 France France Australia 2 United States Australia China
3 United States China Germany 3 Germany China Australia
4 Italy Germany Italy 4 China Canada Russia
5 Russia Australia Japan 5 Australia Hungary Japan
6 South Africa Japan Netherlands 6 Sweden France Germany
7 Germany Great Britain Hungary 7 Canada Italy Great Britain
8 Great Britain Italy Brazil 8 Japan Great Britain Canada
9 Belgium Austria New Zealand 9 Denmark New Zealand Denmark
10 Brazil Hungary Canada 10 Great Britain Japan Italy
11 Hungary Canada France 11 Italy Germany Sweden
12 Canada New Zealand Russia 12 Russia Russia Netherlands
13 China Russia Poland 13 New Zealand Slovenia Spain
14 Venezuela Denmark Great Britain 14 Hungary Spain France
15 Serbia Belgium South Africa 15 Greece Poland Iceland
16 South Africa China 16 Belarus Ukraine Hungary

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12 years ago

wow, unbelievable… fina looks stupid now. i feel so bad for the kazakh relay.

12 years ago

Japan is not taking even kenta Ito… they hill have to stick to Takeshi/Fujii for Fly/Free on Medley… not the smartest move I think..

Japanese Cowboy
12 years ago

Picture is Hanae Ito’s (Japanese woman). She will be on free relays. However, written part of this article is correct. JPN Men’s 400FR Relay is scratched due to not having 3 other free sprinters in 2012 JPN Olympic Team (a total of 27 swimmers) members.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of SwimSwam.com. He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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