All 14 Dayton Raider Seniors Moving On College Level Swimming Programs

14/14 – how’s that for advancement rate? On May 16, 2017, Dayton Raiders held a National Letter of Intent Signing event for their senior swimmers. 14 out of 14 senior swimmers are making their way to the next level in academics and in the pool. Ohio State gained 3 Dayton Raiders, while all other commits were scattered across the country. Dayton Raider head coach Kevin Weldon reflects, “Last night I had the honor of watching our 2017 Dayton Raider Swimmers sign their NLI at the DRAC! What a special group of young people, beautiful on the inside and out, so very smart and oh yea, they swim pretty darn fast too! Area universities are so fortunate to have these fine swimmers attend.”

Academics were not lost on these motivated, hardworking young athletes. As they rose to the top in the pool, they lead in their respective schools as well. Each and every Raider senior achieved an A average or higher! Some received their honors diploma, a few rose to the top 5% of their class and one was salutatorian. They were in NHS members and officers and achieved scholastic All-American multiple times. These kids are amazing! Kevin left some parting words with his swimmers, “I wish you ALL nothing but the best as you enter into the next stage of your lives both academically and athletically. Remember what I always say, “ Suck it up Buttercup”…Just Do It!”

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7 years ago

Coach Kevin Weldon has been producing champions for decades! Congrats Kevin, swimmers and parents!