10 Minutes a Day to a Faster Underwater Dolphin Kick

If you have been hanging around these parts over the summer you know that I have been border-line obsessed with improving my kick.

From throwing together a monster guide on how to improve your underwater dolphin kick, to showcasing some kick sets performed by Canadian National Team member Evan White, to outlining a list of reasons to work on both your flutter kick and your fly kick there has been no shortage of material on the topic.

With the critical importance of the UDK from the 50 to the 1500m every swimmer who is serious about maxing out their performance in the pool needs to be paying attention to what can make up as much as 60% of their race.

Today I want to share with you a set that I have been guinea-pigging myself with over the past couple weeks and have experienced fairly hysterical results.

Before we get into the set, here is what you will need to perform it:

  • A pool.
  • A bathing suit.
  • About 10 minutes of your day.
  • Two weeks of consistent application.
  • A hearty attitude for hilariously powerful underwater kicking.
  • A pair of DragSox, or two ratty t-shirts will do if you don’t feel like throwing down $30 for the DragSox.
  • Zoomers or short fins.

The set is simple, and can be done at the end of your workout, before the main set, after warm-up, or whatever. It can be done as a bonus set in addition to the workout your coach prescribes.

My suggestion?  Do it as a pre-main set so that your underwater fly kick game is on point for the main set.

(The whole point of improving the UDK is to apply it to the high paced, quality work in your swimming so that it is relevant to competition speeds. Having a beautiful UDK is nice, but if it’s not hauling you from one end of the pool to the other faster than your swimming speed than there isn’t much use to it.)

After doing this set 7 times over the course of two weeks here is what I noticed:

  • It was much easier to kick out further with my underwaters.
  • Developed a much greater feel for the water with my feet.
  • Combined with consistent ankle-loosening work before practice I was soon getting a fuller feeling range of motion. (Fuller is just about the only word I can find to describe it. You’ll know what I mean after doing the set even just once or twice.)
  • The power in my kick improved noticeably. The snap of the toes is snappier, the whip motion from the hips markedly stronger.
  • My streamline feels extra gangster. The extra resistance that comes with the DragSox forces you to really really tighten up your arms into your head.

With the set, feel free to play around with the specifics. The interval or number of reps isn’t set in stone. The interval was designed to get :15 seconds of rest after each 25, but if you feel like that isn’t enough, take more.

Remember, the main focus during the set is to explode off the walls and hammer those dolphin kicks and get to the 15m/y mark as fast as possible.

Here is the set:

20×25 @:35

  • FAST underwater dolphin kick to 15m (12.5m okay for when not wearing fins)
  • Wearing DragSox for all of them.
  • Wear fins for the last 10.
  • Alternate on front and on back by 25.
  • Streamline must be tight and legit.
  • Aggressive break-out; swim easy to wall.

And that’s it.

Simple, really.

If you have never used DragSox before I couldn’t recommend them enough. The drag they add to your legs force them to work overtime in a form of resistance that is extremely swim-specific and hard to duplicate otherwise.

And more importantly, when you take them off and swim a lap at even moderately high speed you will feel like someone strapped a jetpack to your back.


See Also: The Butterfly Stroke: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know

Your Turn

Give the set a go for a couple weeks and let me know how it goes either via the YourSwimBook newsletter (it’s free, yo), or Tweet me on the Twitter thing.

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7 years ago

Do you suggest this for 10 and under swimmers?

Caeleb Dressel Will Get 8 golds in Tokyo
Reply to  Karen
7 years ago

I wouldn’t.

Tim Thomas
9 years ago

Put the shirt over your head.

9 years ago

If you use the T-shirts instead of DragSox, do you wear the T-shirt on your legs or on your torso like a regular T-shirt?

aaron fernandes
9 years ago

Instead of dragsox can we use those costumes withs a lot of holes ,like a mesh,that u put over ur main costume

9 years ago

This set sounds AWESOME!!!! I’ll definitely be sharing this with my coach! How exactly would you use the shirts instead of the dragsox?

9 years ago

Hello Olivier, I am from Germany. Could you describe how do you mean using 2 t-shirts? How should the fixed on the feets?
How “long” is the DragSox?

9 years ago

Drag Sox are a must! Great training tool.

9 years ago

The thing I like about this set is it focuses on the 15 Mtrs and the break out and not the whole 25. Maybe a couple coaches I know will read it that way I would have to watch 11 years get screamed at or punished for not make 20 X 25’s underwater with no fins!

About Olivier Poirier-Leroy

Olivier Poirier-Leroy

Olivier Poirier-Leroy is a former national-level swimmer, swim coach, and best-selling author. His writing has been featured on USA Swimming, US Masters Swimming, NBC Sports Universal, the Olympic Channel, and much more. He has been involved in competitive swimming for most of his life. Starting off at the age of 6 …

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