6 Reasons to Push Through Championship Swimming Season

If you’ve been feeling burnt out lately, it’s ok. It’s been a long season, and even though we’re on the home stretch, it can be hard to motivate yourself. However, championship season is when we need the motivation the most. Here’s 6 reasons to give it your all even when you feel like giving up…

1. You love the sport

I know it may not feel like it right now, but you do love to swim. That’s why you set your 5:15 alarm all those days, didn’t shave your legs for months and months, and why you kept going no matter how much your muscles burned. Remember what it feels like to look up at the scoreboard and see that personal best. Make it happen again.

2. This is what you’ve been working for

Since September, you’ve been training for these meets. No matter what it is, silvers, states, sectionals, nationals, conference, NCAAs…this is it. You had your goal in mind and now it’s time to show how hard you’ve worked. You trained with the future in mind. Now is the future here. Get it done.

3. Taper

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Time to relax a little bit and focus on the details. It may not feel good all of the time, but that’s just how taper evolves. Trust your body. You’ve been training it for so long. It knows what to do.

4. You’re almost done

One, two or three months (depending on who you are and when your sesaon ends) may seem like a lot, but compare that to all that you’ve pushed through already? Six months of work down, and one, two or three to go? It seems much less intimidating when think about it in those terms.

5. Spring is coming

Spring is the perfect time to focus on your training. There are no meets, which means no pressure. Preparing yourself for the long course season is what spring is all about. For some, that may be an exciting thought. To those who prefer short course, look at it as a break. You’ll be refreshed and excited in September.

6. It will pay off

This is the time to focus. This is when you need to love the sport the most. If you let yourself go, you may not get the results you want. You’ve trained far too much to not get the results you want.

Do yourself a favor and hold on a little bit longer. Use that last ounce of strength to remind yourself you love swimming. Remember how much you want that state, junior national or national cut. Or whatever it is you aspire to do, push yourself. You’re almost there!

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About Bryana Cielo

Bryana Cielo

Bryana Cielo Shortly after Bryana Cielo’s birth, she developed her love of water at her family beach house–and hasn’t stopped since. At the conclusion of her swim lessons at age 7, it was recommended that she try out for the local summer swim team. After her first season, she won the …

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