Watch Hackett, Fraser-Holmes and Smith at Work in Miami (Video)

On my visit to Australia Denis Cotterell the Head Coach of the Miami Swimming Club, was kind enough to have me on deck for their afternoon workout on December 23rd. The following video contains highlights from that practice.

The write up of the full practice is at the start of the video below.

Grant Hackett, Thomas Fraser-Holmes and Daniel Smith are in the middle of the first set of two sets of 20 x 50 best possible average – 10@50/6@45/4@40.

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8 years ago

Hi Jeff – who are the three swimmers behind Grant Hackett/Thomas Fraser-Holmes? They look impressive too.

8 years ago

Interesting that Larkin recovers almost entirely pinky-first. Looks like his hand exits the water almost palm-down, and then immediately rotates to pinky-first. I would think this stresses the arm unnecessarily during the first half of the recovery, but maybe it has offsetting benefits? Or maybe it’s just a sprint technique to quicken the recovery despite adding some energy inefficiency.

8 years ago

That workout looks like a Fourier analysis. (OK, a very fast Fourier analysis…)

8 years ago

interesting the Aussies swim down the left side of the lane. Must be akin to the water spinning down a drain in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere

8 years ago

I could watch Dan Smith swim forever – such a beautiful stroke.

About Jeff Grace

Jeff Grace

Jeff is a 500 hour registered yoga teacher who holds diplomas in Coaching (Douglas College) and High Performance Coaching (National Coaching Institute - Calgary). He has a background of over 20 years in the coaching profession, where he has used a unique and proven teaching methodology to help many achieve their …

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