
Coach’s Intel: Andrew Hodgson of NTSC Shares a Kick Set to Help Close Like a Champ

Andrew Hodgson shares a set that helps athletes close like champs on the back-half of races.


Coach’s Log: Stanford Men

Stanford Head Coach Tedd Knapp and Assistant Scott Armstrong talk about a Wednesday afternoon on the Farm.


Breaststroke Efficiency and the Foil Monofin

Breaststroke is arguably the most difficult stroke to coach, whether your swimmers are new to the sport or have more experience. Having said that, a well executed breaststroke is a thing of beauty and is well worth the time spent perfecting it.


Coach’s Intel: Hubert Williams of Sailfish Aquatics Shares a Set to Help Close IM Races

Hubert Williams of Sailfish Aquatics shares a set designed to help swimmers close out their IM races with authority.

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Tom Luchsinger, Laura Sogar to Speak at National Select Camp on Saturday

USA Swimming National Team members Tom Luchsinger and Laura Sogar (featured image) will be guest speakers at the 2013 National Select Camp on Saturday in Colorado Springs, Colo. Their appearance will last from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. MT at the Olympic Training Center where they will do in-water sessions and host a Q&A with the campers.

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Coach’s Log: Distance Day at Georgia

Georgia’s legendary Head Coach, Jack Bauerle takes you through a typical distance day down in Athens.


How to use Resisted and Assisted Sprint Training in Swimming

Most sprint coaches have beliefs about resisted and assisted speed training, and most of them are consistent. Most coaches agree that both of these forms of training need to be used simultaneously in a program to achieve optimal results.


Nick Folker Leaves Cal to Reach Bigger Audience with BridgeAthletic Fitness Tech Company

Nick Folker, co-founder of BridgeAthletic, trains NBC TV star Natalie Morales and 12-time Olympic medalist Natalie Coughlin.


Maximize Distance Per Stroke with the Freestyler Hand Paddles

Great swimmers have an element of grace and fluidity to their strokes. Even if they are exerting a great amount of effort while racing towards the wall, their technique holds strong. They know, through countless hours of repetition in training, that the easiest way to swim fast is to maintain the most efficient form possible.

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5 Ways to Make the Most of a Bad Practice

Let’s face it: having a bad meet is no fun, but the daily grind of practices is what can really bring us down. What’s the best way to deal when the going gets rough?


Reference Guide to Improve Training Results

The new Reference Guide from FINIS includes training sets and information from world-renowned coaches and athletes.

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Coach’s Intel: Grant Holicky Shares a Distance Set

Grant Holicky shares a distance set he uses with his open water athletes, including national champion Christine Jennings.


Don Henshaw Distance Swimming Workout

Don Henshaw conducts a top-notch–encouraging yet humbling–distance program, helping his athletes gain awareness of semantic points, including consistent pace work, tempo, and stroke count.


3000 Meters of Butterfly – Video

Courtesy of Nicolas Vannier, a prolific producer of swimming videos.


How to Activate Nerves for Faster Morning Swims

Many coaches have problems getting their swimmers to perform well in the mornings. The truth is if a swimmer does not perform well in preliminaries, they may not have an opportunity to compete at night.