Wang Changhao

La Cina Potrebbe Ambire Al Titolo Mondiale Nella 4×100 Misti Maschile

La Cina non ha mai vinto una medaglia nella staffetta maschile dei 4×100 metri misti, ma la situazione potrebbe cambiare nel 2023

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Nazionali Cinesi: Yu Yiting Nuota Il 200 IM Più Veloce Dal 2012-Recap Day2

Nel secondo giorno dei Nazionali Cinesi si sono viste altre grandi performance che anticipano una squadra mondiale molto competitiva

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Yu Yiting Hits 2:08.34 200 IM As China’s 3rd Fastest Woman In History

Yu Yiting scored a winning time of 2:08.34 to take the women’s 200m IM at Chinese Nationals, becoming her nation’s 3rd fastest woman in the process.


Chinese Men Building Strong 400 Medley Relay As Pan Zhanle Emerges

A return to form for backstroker Xu Jiayu is among the keys in giving China a podium finish in the men’s 400 medley relay for the first time at Worlds.


Diogo Ribeiro Fissa Il Primato Portoghese Nei 100 Farfalla 51.45

Il 18enne Diogo Ribeiro ha stabilito il suo terzo record nazionale in tre giorni di gare agli Open di Portogallo. Analisi e risultati Day 2

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Diogo Ribeiro Clocks 51.45 Portuguese Record In 100 Fly

18-year-old Diogo Ribeiro notched his third Portuguese National Record in as many days, this time clocking 51.45 to win the men’s 100m butterfly.

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Out-Of-Retirement Wu Peng Placed 5th In 50 Fly At Chinese Spring Championships

Earlier this year 35-year-old Chinese swimmer Wu Peng made his return to racing after nearly a decade after his 2013 retirement.

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Wang Changhao Record Nazionale 50 Farfalla-Zhang Yufei 24.40 Nei 50 Stile

Nel quinto giorno dei campionati cinesi è stato stabilito il nuovo record nazionale nei 50 farfalla maschili. Recap e analisi finali

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Wang Changhao Clocks Chinese Record In 50 Fly, Zhang Yufei Hits 24.40 50 Free

Olympic medalist Zhang Yufei enters the season’s world rankings in yet another event as she punched a solid 24.40 in the 50m free.


Zhang Yufei Guida La Classifica Mondiale 100 Farfalla-Recap Day4 Camp. Cinesi

La plurimedagliata olimpionica Zhang Yufei ha realizzato il primo tempo al mondo nei 100 farfalla nel 4° giorno dei Campionati Cinesi

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Zhang Yufei Dethrones Regan Smith In 100 Fly World Rankings

Olympic multi-medalist Zhang Yufei of China fired off a world-leading time of 56.58 in the women’s 100m fly at the Chinese Spring Championships.


Campionati Cinesi Day2: Li Bingjie Scala Il Ranking Mondiale Nei 200/400 Stile

La ventunenne medaglia olimpica Li Bingjie ha conquistato due vittorie durante i Campionati Cinesi di Primavera 2023. Recap Day2

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Li Bingjie Posts 1:55.87 200 Free At Chinese Spring Championships

Olympian Li Bingjie produced a new lifetime best of 1:55.87 en route to 200m freestyle gold at the Chinese Spring Championships.


2022 World Champs Previews: USA Men Going for Gold In the 4×100 Medley Relay

With key swimmers from other countries, and even whole teams missing, the USA looks to be in the driver’s seat in the men’s medley relay.


2022 World Champs Previews: Mixed Medley Relay Looks To Be A USA Vs. China Battle

China looks to be the team to stop the United States from claiming Tokyo redemption and winning gold in the mixed medley relay.