Sylvia Statkevičius

Campionati Europei Juniores: Risultati Live Pomeriggio Day 1

Primo pomeriggio di gare ai Campionati Europei Juniores 2022. Molti gli azzurri impegnati oggi ed i talenti europei in vasca.

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Campionati Europei Juniores Day 1 – Risultati Live e Recap Batterie

Primo giorno di gare ai Campionati Europei Juniores di nuoto 2022. Molti gli azzurri in gara per conquistare il passaggio di turno.


Estonia Looks To Defend Team Title At 2021 Baltic Championships

The 2021 Baltic States Swimming Championships will run over the weekend with racing getting underway tomorrow, March 6, 2021.

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Sylvia Statkevičius, 13 años, 4:26.62 en 400 libre desde Lituania

Statkevičius, de 13 años, obtuvo su cuarta victoria individual en los 400 libre, que se sumó a sus títulos en 100, 200 y 800 libre de antes en el encuentro.

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Danas Rapsys se impone ante Simonas Bilis en los 100 libre en Lituania

Danas Rapsys logró superar al velocista lituano y poseedor del récord Simonas Bilis en los 100 libre en el Campeonato de Natación de Invierno de Lituania.

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13 Year Old Statkevičius Wraps Lithuanian Champs With 4:26.62 400 Free

Sylvia Statkevičius picked up her fourth individual win of the meet in the 400 free, adding to her 100, 200, and 800 free titles from earlier in the meet.

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Danas Rapsys Out-Touches Simonas Bilis In 100 Free At Lithuanian Winter Champs

Despite Simonas Bilis’ lead at the 50 mark, Danas Rapsys managed to power through and get his hand on the first in the men’s 100 freestyle.


13 Year Old Sylvia Statkevičius Hits 2:06.13 200 Free At Lithuanian Champs

Sylvia Statkevičius opened up the 2021 Lithuanian Winter Swimming Championships with a new PB and national 14-year-old and under record in the 200 freestyle.