SwimQuaintences: Nitro Swimming Age Group Practice (Video Feature)
It really doesn’t get much better than age group practice
Swimquaintences: Blue Tide Aquatics on High School practices (Video)
Swimming in high school is fun; there’s a lot of goofing off during practice and team bonding through grueling sets
Swimquaintences goes to Rice University (Video)
If you’re swimming in college, you’ve been around the block in the swimming community. You know people, you’ve seen faces.
Swimquaintences Goes to ASCA 2017 (Video Feature)
For this addition of Swimquaintences, we were in Washington D.C. at the ASCA international convention, a haven for swim coaches from around the globe
Swimquaintences: What’s a Swimquaintence? (Video Feature)
When you become a pool regular, you start seeing the same people over and over. A Swimquaintence. We all have them.