Rick Collela

5 of Our Favorite Nutrition Tips from Masters Swimmers

If you’ve recently started swimming, or have been participating in this powerful sport for years, there’s a chance that you may need a refresher on just what to eat to stay in top form.

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Why Cool Down Exercises and Recovery are So Important for Swimmers

Part of a total performance swimming plan is recovery and the cool down exercises that you do after working out. Let’s focus on a few reasons why this step is critical to maintaining optimal performance.


5 Nutrition Tricks for Top Notch Swimming Performance

With all of the fad diets, training tips and random suggestions from gym salespeople, it’s hard to know what nutrition tips work best for swimmers. Here are a few that will keep you in top shape for your next meet.


How Iron Helps Swimmers with Their Performance

When it comes to nutrition for competitive swimmers, we often hear about protein and carbs. But what about all of the other nutrients, like iron, that swimmers need to compete as a top athlete?

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Foods To Avoid On Race Day

Race day is no different from the rest of the season, but there’re some foods to avoid on race day that you might otherwise be able to enjoy now and then

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Rich Burns Inspires Masters Swimmers

Rich Burns, International Masters Swimming Hall of Fame swimmer and holder of 56 FINA Masters World Records, is a living inspiration to all masters swimmers.

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Laura Val is One of the Best Masters Swimmers in the World

Beyond holding records in almost every category, she recently broke the World Record in the 200, 400, and 800 meter freestyles on her way to the World Record in the 1500 at a meet at the San Francisco Olympic Club.