Kosuke Hagino

Pro Swim Ledecky 1:56 Nei 200 Stile Risultati Completi Terzo Giorno

Pro Swim Series al terzo giorno con protagoniste Katie Ledecky nei 200 stile, Kathleen Baker nei 200 dorso. I risultati completi

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Tokyo Spring Meet Shoma Sato 2:07 200 Rana Nakamura 48:3 100 Stile

Tokyo Senior Spiring Meet ha visto protagonisti della seconda giornata Kosuke Hagino, Rio Shirai e Shoma Sato I risultati

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Kosuke Hagino Nuota Il Suo Miglior Tempo Degli Ultimi 8 Anni 200 Dorso

Kosuke Hagino, campione olimpico 400 misti maschili, ha nuotato il suo miglior tempo degli ultimi 8 anni nei 200 metri dorso.

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Reona Aoki Logs 1:06.71 100 Breast Season-Best In Tokyo

Japan’s Reona Aoki put up a season-best 100m breaststroke performance while competing on day 1 of the Tokyo SEnior Spring Meet.

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Kosuke Hagino Hits 1:55.84 200 Back; Best Time In 6+ Years

Olympic champion Kosuke Hagino just threw down a statement swim in the 200 back while competing in his native Japan tonight.


Daiya Seto hace doblete mientras Tomoru Honda marca 1:55 en 200 mariposa

En el penúltimo día de acción aquí en Tokio, Hagino y Seto se enfrentaron en los 200 estilos masculino después de luchar en los 400 estilos hace dos días.

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Japan Open Daiya Seto Bronzo 200 Farfalla Hagino Oro 200 Misti

Japan Open Daiya Seto conquista il bronzo nei 200 farfalla e finisce ultimo nella finale dei 200 misti pagando la stanchezza

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Kobori & Koga Among Top Performances On Japan Open Day 3

Coming back to racing just six months ago, Junya Koga took the men’s 50m back event on day 3 of the Japan Open in Tokyo.

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Daiya Seto Takes On Tough Double, Honda Hits Another 1:55 200 Fly

Read on to see how Olympic medalist Daiya Seto fared taking on the 200m fly and 200m IM with juts minutes between each race at this Japan Open.


Swim of the Week: Seto’s Early-Season 4:12.57 Win Over Hagino

Daiya Seto and Kosuke Hagino went head-to-head at the Japan Open this week, with Seto taking top billing in the 400 IM with a 4:12.57.

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SwimSwam’s Top 100 For 2021: Men’s #20 – #11

As we crack the top 20, we’re starting to profile some of swimming’s best and most versatile talents – like freestyler, IMer, and relay hero Duncan Scott.


Sato se impone ante Watanabe en el pulso por los 100 braza

La carrera fue un duelo acalorado desde el principio, con Watanabe dividiendo 28.29 en comparación con los 28.34 de Sato.

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Daiya Seto, #3 mundial en 400 estilos en lo que va de temporada

En la primera batalla mano a mano en más de un año entre el campeón olímpico de 400 estilos, Hagino, y el bronce olímpico, Seto, éste se impuso a lo grande.

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Daiya Seto Terzo Al Mondo Nei 400 Metri Misti Con 4:12.57

Daiya Seto vince il duello nei 400 misti e nuota la terza prestazione mondiale stagionale fermando il crono a 4:12.57 Al Japan Open

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2021 Japan Open: Sato Tops Watanabe In 100 Breaststroke Battle

The 2021 Japan Open kicked off today with some solid swimming from some of the nation’s brightest Olympic hopefuls, including 19-year-old Shoma Sato.