30 Coaches Share $330,000 in Coaches Incentive Program
Dave Salo is one of thirty coaches awarded in USA Swimming’s Coach Incentive Program. (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Penn State Men Add Three to Incoming Class
The Penn State men’s team added a pair of distance swimmers and a breaststroker to their roster this week.
The Chloe Sutton Swimming Photo Vault
Swim Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures
The American Swimming Team – Dominant or In Decline?
“By any account the American Swimming Team’s performance in London…was one of the most dominant in Olympic history.” (Swim Photo Credit: CW)
SwimSwam’s Favorites for 2012 Golden Goggles Awards
Michael Phelps is a shoe-in for the Male Athlete of the Year award, but check out our favorites for the other 6 voted honors. (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Bruce Gemmell To Take Over Yuri Suguiyama’s NCAP Site
Bruce Gemmell, father of Olympian Andrew Gemmell (above), will be taking over the head coaching job at Katie Ledecky’s training site. (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Cal Hires Ledecky’s Coach Yuri Suguiyama as New Men’s Assistant
Katie Ledecky’s coach Yuri Suguiyama has been named the new men’s assistant at Cal. (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Coach’s Perspective on The 2012 US Olympic Team
David Marsh talks about a team, he says, is the best he’s ever been a part of. (Photo Courtesy © Tim Binning, TheSwimPictures.com)
Exclusive Interview NCAP CEO, Tom Ugast *Corrected
The club formerly known as Curl Burke is moving forward with some big changes including a new name, new logo, and a new CEO.
WR Weekend Wrap-Up & Poll of the Week
Garrett races 18 year old World Record Holder Akihiro Yamaguchi in this World Record Weekend Wrap-Up.
Missy Franklin Named USA Swimming Swimmer of the Year
Missy Franklin continues to beef up her impressive resume for the 2011-2012 season with a big award at the US Aquatics Sports Convention (Photo Courtesy ©Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
CUBU Tops SwimAtlanta for 2012 USA Swimming Virtual Club Championship
Katie Ledecky and CUBU topped the long course Virtual Club Championship rankings for the second straight year. (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
When I Was Fifteen – a Memoir by Jesse Kubanet
Last week, I watched, mouth agape, just like the rest of the world, as fifteen-year-old Katie Ledecky absolutely crushed the…
Dear Katrina most inspirational moment
Dear Katrina, Who or what most inspired you at the pool for 2012 Olympic Games? As we watch the 2012…