jean-francois salessy

La ISL Fa Causa Al Suo Ex Studio Legale Per Negligenza E Pratiche Sleali

La International Swimming League ha intentato una causa contro il suo ex studio legale, Farella Braun + Martel, presso la Corte Superiore di San Francisco

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At Least One Former ISL Team Hasn’t Received Solidarity or Prize Money Payments from 2021

Finnish swimmer Ida Hulkko (above) swam for Team Iron in the last season of the ISL in 2021; she says that she still has not been paid any of the money owed.


Cody Miller Ha Ricevuto Il Pagamento Dei Compensi ISL Per La Stagione 2021

Cody Miller ha annunciato di aver ricevuto il pagamento dei compensi di solidarietà promessi dalla International Swimming League

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ISL Accused of Ongoing Financial Mismanagement: ‘Nothing’s Changed’

The former Energy Standard GM and former ISL commercial director have accused the International Swimming League of ongoing financial mismanagement.


Florent Manaudou se queda en Marsella y cambia de entrenador

Tras su desvinculación de Energy Standard y su despedida del británico James Gibson, el campeón olímpico de 2012 vuelve a su país.

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Report: IMG Still Awaiting Payments From ISL For 2019 Season

Multiple groups say the ISL hasn’t paid debts this 2020 season. A new report suggests another organization hasn’t been fully paid for the 2019 season.


LiveWire Sport Beginning Legal Proceedings Against ISL For Debts Owed

The content agency is still owed a six figure sum from the International Swimming League for work done during its inaugural season in 2019.


International Swimming League Power Rankings: Final Edition

The ISL final is upon us, and it’s time for SwimSwam’s last round of International Swimming League Power Rankings heading into the championship meet.

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Energy Standard GM Resigns, Puts Grigorishin On Blast In Open Letter

General Manager Jean-Francois Salessy penned a ruthless open letter to the ISL Founder, resigning on the same day his club advanced to the league finale.


Il Direttore Generale Di Energy Standard Si Dimette ISL “Falso Film”

Il Direttore Generale di Energy Standard si dimette e lancia accuse pesantissime contro la International Swimming League “Falso film”

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ISL Announces Head Coaches For Season 2

Dave Salo will coach one of the new clubs, the Tokyo Frog Kings, during the ISL’s second season.