Shayna Jack Positiva A Ligandrol. Le Reazioni Di Mack Horton E Della ISL

Shayna Jack è risultata positiva in un test antidoping al Ligandrol. La reazione di Mack Horton e la politica di tolleranza zero della ISL

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Lidón Muñoz formará parte del equipo Aqua Centurions de la ISL

La española Lidón Muñoz vive un verano de ensueño. Se ha anunciado que la plusmarquista española formará parte del equipo de Federica Pellegrini en la ISL.

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Sarah Sjostrom, Training Day In A Life: GMM presented by

Sjostrom’s training day? She’s a pro. She triples. Sjostrom is swimming fast. How fast will she swim at the 2019 World Championships in Korea?


Following Positive Test, Gabriel Santos Suspended From ISL DC Trident Squad

“Of course fully we support a zero tolerance policy for doping on our team and in the league,” said Kaitlin Sandeno, general manager of the DC Trident.