China Defies Agreement with FINA Over Ouyang's Doping Ban
The 2008 Beijing Olympics were supposed to be a showcase of everything that is great about China: the culture, the…
FINA to Assemble Task Force to Investigate Crippen's Death
FINA announced in a press release on it’s official website this morning that they would be assembling a Task Force,…
Napoleon Cleared for Commonwealth Games, Concerned About Training
Ryan Napoleon has been cleared to participate in next month’s Commonwealth Games as a member of Team Australia, according to…
Jessica Hardy Cleared to Compete After WADA Appeal
After a hearing on March 12th, where the World Anti-Doping Agency appealed that Jessica Hardy’s doping suspension was unjustly reduce…
Update: Jessica Hardy Awaiting Decision on Extending Suspension
We reported earlier this week that last Friday (March 12th) was the day that the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) appeal…