SwimMom Musings: Coaches Who Shine and Those Who Don’t

by SwimSwam 10

July 11th, 2018 Opinion, Swim Mom

Thousands of articles have been written about the qualities of the best swim coaches and the shortcomings of the worst.  If you’ve been in this sport long enough every swimmer has had their share of the best, worst. and those in the middle.  Sometimes swimmers don’t even realize what they have until they are gone.

Coaches who shine:

1. Are incredible teachers both in and out of the pool. They realize kids learn differently.  They embrace the opportunity to bring out the best in every swimmer whether they are swimming recreationally or Olympic bound.

2. They teach that sportsmanship is more important than winning. Period.  You never know who is watching. Character always matters all the days of your life.   There is nothing worse than an arrogant winner.

3. They inspire love of swimming through their actions and interactions. They look for teachable moments.  These are just coaches you want to know whether they are in summer league or the NCAA.

4. They stay positive even during the rough patches. Kids get sick. They get injured. Things happen. The very best coaches help swimmers navigate life’s bumps.  They find the shining moments even on the dark days.

Coaches who do not shine possess characteristics too.

1. They tear swimmers down, and don’t build them up. They never realize the damage they do, and they don’t care.  Very little is ever gained by coaches who are consistently negative.

2. They forget that they are mentors. Some of them yell and scream as if their swimmers wanted to have a bad race and add time. They just don’t realize that these are moments when their leadership is needed.

3.  They forget that each swimmer’s journey belongs to them. Many forget to check their egos at the door.  At the end of the day coaches want to win.  But the very best ones want to leave a better legacy.  They want to help swimmers grow into amazing citizens.

4. Lastly some of the worst coaches try to pit teammates against one another.  This is not only an ineffective motivational strategy, but can lead to awful dynamics that encourage bullying and worse.  To build a cohesive team the coach must lead the way — not only in public eye, but in private moments.

Coaches, which one are you?  Swimmers seek out the coaches who shine.

About Donna Hale
Donna Hale has been swim mom for 16 years. Her daughter swims for Davis & Elkins College.

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6 years ago

All true from beginning to end …..

6 years ago

Lastly some of the worst coaches try to pit teammates against one another. This is not only an ineffective motivational strategy, but can lead to awful dynamics that encourage bullying and worse

6 years ago

I totally agree and have, unfortunately, seen one of the worst in action.

Frustrated Parent
6 years ago

If you have become one of the non-shining coaches, do the team and kids a favor and find a new line of work. There is just no excuse for destroying a child’s love of the sport. Working with kids can be challenging for sure; but if you’ve lost your love of it, then just go.

The problem with these coaches is that their ego is so big that they can’t step aside for the greater good. We’ve had some amazing coaches through the years; but it only takes one bad one to mentally destroy a kid.

6 years ago

What ever the sport !!!!!!!

Patti Murphy
6 years ago

Your list of coaches who shine, reminds me of my husband, Kevin Murphy, Head Boys and Girls Swimming Coach for Southlake Carroll High School, and Head Coach of the 250+ member Summer League, Timarron Tiger Sharks team. He teaches swim lessons to little kids and is blessed to be able to coach some very talented upper level swimmers. He works as hard for the novices as he does for the elite, caring for each kid to become personally better. His coaching motto is, “We Build Good Citizens, Not Just Good Athletes.”
Also, “Swim Hard, Have Fun, Be Smil’in When You’re Done!”

Reply to  Patti Murphy
6 years ago

Congrats to your fine husband. What lucky swimmers.

6 years ago

My coach used to say show me a cheater and Ill show u a winner. He also yelled at us all the time. He was mean and made the girls cry. Sad.

Reply to  Dude36
6 years ago

What an awful role model

6 years ago

This is so true