Open Turn: College Power Rankings and Rule Changes

by Garrett McCaffrey 16

January 24th, 2013 College, News, Open Turn

On this week’s episode of Open Turn, Braden Keith and Garrett McCaffrey try to stick to three topics of discussion. The first topic is this week’s SwimSwam Poll of the Week brought to you by A3. With the recent admission of guilt by Lance Armstrong, performance enhancing drugs are a major topic of discussion lately. Most of our viewers think the top swimmers are clean, but how do we know for sure? Are there holes in the testing process? How are the processes different depending on where the athlete is training/competing? Let us know what you think by leaving your comment or simply voting in our Poll of the Week:

What percentage of the world's top swimmers use banned performance enhancing drugs?

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Braden and Garrett also tackle some college swimming topics. They start with Braden’s recent power rankings, get side tracked on a superstars of college swimming topic, and finish up discussing the possibility of new recruiting rules. All that on this week’s Open Turn!


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12 years ago

Re: Power Rankings

Very much appreciate that swimswam is trying to rank based on the metric that matters: NCAA finish. Collegeswimming and swiminfo polls are a sham. Might as well just survey uSA Today readers for their opinions on the swim rankings while they are at it. Total embarrassment on their part.

One thing. Ok two things….1. don’t blow off Stanford jr college. Biig mistake. When their guys come out and start talking them up then yeah they should be ridiculed. But to just write them off, and in favor of Michigan, is a bad bad idea. Playing with fire is fun, until you get burned. The administration at Stanford announced their intent to keep the pressure on to maintain… Read more »

Reply to  Peeterdeeter
12 years ago

Yes, a few paragraphs would of helped as I was drinking a cappuccino in a cafe in San Francisco and watching CNN and on SWIMSWAM all at the same time. I am a Cal Bear fan— couldn’t be a greater time, right?

But I am concerned our string of NCAA’s could end this year. I see so much improvement in top recruits going to other schools albeit Cal always does well here, obviously. I did not like seeing Meehan going_–especially to our top rival. So what do you think Yuri can provide this year and in the near future?

For Cal’s men, losing Messershmidt for this year kind of muffs up some of the options in the relays because Shields… Read more »

12 years ago

As a swimmer who just went through the recruiting process for a D1 school, I think that people seem to be forgetting about the swimmer and their opinion. Yea sure it would be great to know where you’re going earlier, but i know for me July-August was stressful. With all the calls and coaches contacting me, I felt overwhelmed. I can’t imagine trying to deal with that an extra year earlier. That just seems incredibly stressful, especially during your junior year when academics and tests like SAT or ACT are important as well. So really it would just be adding to the stress and the pressure that juniors already face.

Coach GB
12 years ago

When you talk of the signing date they are inviting problems if they go any earlier than late fall. It already has caused some that it takes away the carrot that some need thru their Sr. many have seen some let up when they know things are set. Some just think that next year the college coach will wave that magic wand that you see in “Pinocchio”or”Cinderella” and all will be well next year. There are are many scholarships not just the top 20 teams. It was better in the spring like before but the present system allows the coach to mainly concentrate on the team with much les time consumed during the season and starting on the next… Read more »

Reply to  Coach GB
12 years ago

I am not advocating an early signing period but do you really want to recruit an athlete who’s “carrot” disappears when they are admitted to college? Doesn’t sound like someone who will deliver four years of improvement…..

12 years ago

You guys probably shouldn’t have named a name if you didn’t mean to name names.

I don’t see USC winning any relays, do you? The breast and fly just aren’t at the elite level and I don’t think they have 4 top free sprinters. I guess that does just leave it at Michigan and Cal. Still, I think Michigan is going to have to challenge through their individuals, because I don’t see their relays being that strong either. Their back is ok, but their breast isn’t great. They are also a bit short on sprint freestylers. If only their were a 4×500 FRR …

What am I missing?

Reply to  Justin Pollard
12 years ago

USC has a really really good shot at winning the 4×200 free relay. Quintero, Morozov, Coulapaev, and Bobrosky/any of there other 1:35 high or 1:36 low guys flat start…

Reply to  nostradamus
12 years ago

Vlad not really a 200 Free guy but USC has others that can fill the spots…Plus he’s more valuable in some of the other “sprint” relays. Question for both individual as well as the relay spots will be, what will he swim – free, back, breast?

Reply to  nostradamus
12 years ago

So you think Morozov is going to miss out on one of the shorter relays? Either way, you’re right. They should be in the mix. Woulda been 3rd without a DQ last year. There’s still Cal and TX to deal with, though.

Reply to  Justin Pollard
12 years ago

I don’t see Vlad doing the 200 Medley. USC isn’t stocked with sprint strokers. Put him on the 800 free relay where he’ll split a 132 or 133.

Reply to  Justin Pollard
12 years ago

The fastest freestyle relays wpuld not look good for Auburn this year with 2 top tier sprinters?

Reply to  Justin Pollard
12 years ago

I’ll tell you what you’re missing, especially in the medley’s. To say that our breaststroke is a weak point is pretty ignorant taking into account Bruno Ortiz’s 50 splits at NCAAs last year and at the Hawkeye Invite this past December where he split a 23.2. That time would have been the fastest in all of Div 1 last year. Also, Richard Funk had a great swim at SMU classic splitting a 52.3 breast on the 4 medley– take into account that that is an in season swim. As for our sprint freestylers, Turk is an exceptional anchor for the medleys. 8 Free relay also has numerous options. That alone accounts for 3/5 relays. Count the Wolverines out and NCAAs… Read more »

Reply to  Mswimfan
12 years ago

Ignorant is right; I didn’t realize Ortiz was so quick in the breasts! Touché, my friend.

I’m not counting Michigan out, but I am saying they are up against a team that took 1st or 2nd in each relay last year. Come to think of it, they’ve taken 1st or 2nd in 13/15 relays over the past 3 years.

NCAAs is always a surprising ride! Just bought my ticket 3 days ago!

Reply to  Justin Pollard
12 years ago

Very interesting – perhaps the probable choice would be to use Bruno in the 200MR and Funk in the 400MR.

Justin – would you have any color on what the Cal medley relays will probably look like this year?

Reply to  Mswimfan
12 years ago

Shouldn’t Arizona at least be in the medley relay conversation?

Reply to  gosharks
12 years ago

Yes, they should. Giles Smith, Mitchell Friedemann, and Kevin Cordes are arguably the best front three in the country, Cal and Michigan included. If they had Tandy this year (instead of next) they’d be the favorites hands-down.

About Garrett McCaffrey

No one lives the sport of swimming like Garrett McCaffrey. A Division I swimmer who spent 4 years covering the sport as a journalist, now coaches club swimming and competes as a masters swimmer, Garrett truly lives the sport of swimming. After graduating from University of Missouri’s award winning journalism program …

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