NOVA Of Virginia’s Dogs Share Quarantine Pool Training

The following comes to us from NOVA of Virginia, a USA Swimming club based out of Richmond, Virginia and coached by Geoff Brownowner of dogs Luna and Dante. You can see Luna & Dante’s full saga on the NOVA of Virginia website here.

Not everyone is out of the pool. Dante and Luna Brown, the furry children of NOVA coaches Lisa and Geoff Brown, scrutinized Virginia’s COVID-19 restrictions and spotted a loophole. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam may have closed pools for humans, but he was noticeably silent on dog density.

So Luna and Dante have taken advantage of this lull in human aquatic activity and amped up their training. These two Bichons were kind enough to allow Coach Lisa and her daughter Emily to grab some pictures during a recent training session.

Novice Silver, Coach Lisa’s group, isn’t entirely on break.


Sometimes a stroll down the deck is the perfect warm-up.


Here’s Dante displaying some understandable anxiety prior to a timed 200 butterfly.


Luna stresses the importance of wearing goggles that both fit and provide a nice color contrast.


Here’s Luna displaying her preference for holding a kickboard backwards with all four appendages.


Relay, anyone?


When practice is over, it’s back to the arduous job of life guarding an empty pool.

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4 years ago

Bichon Frises?

Jane Dressel's Vertical Leap
4 years ago

I can take these pups any day of the week.

4 years ago

Now we need some actual racing videos, splits, trash talking about which dog tapered, etc. maybe one of these dogs went to Harvard and we can get the Dean Farris fans into the mix.

4 years ago

I want those dogs, so cute$!

Virginia Lamberty
4 years ago

Our spirit’s are lifted ❤️…thank you the wonderful work! We all need to focus on the fun and stay positive during this time full of challenges!
~ Virginia from Cali

4 years ago

This made my day. Thanks for some uplifting news in this time of distraught!

Reply to  Sophie
4 years ago

Amazing , Just amazing. And dogs do Swim.

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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