Explanation of Why Fabio Gimondi’s 100 Free Didn’t Count
An NCAA rules update, via memo regarding Last Chance Meets
NCAA Men’s Pre-Cut Psych Sheets Revealed
Florida’s Sebastien Rousseau has changed his first-day lineup from what he did at SEC’s. (Photo Courtesy: Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Mallory Weggemann to speak at Middle Atlantic Swimming’s Disability Clinic
If there’s an obstacle or a challenge to overcome she has done it and now Mallory Weggemann will be sharing…
Missy Franklin Scuba Dives In Aquarium, Dancing Underwater For Kids
Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures
Notre Dame to Join ACC in 2013
The Notre Dame Fighting Irish will come to the ACC a year earlier than expected.
Crunching the Numbers: NCAA Men’s Selection Expected to 29 Lines [Updated]
Tom Shields is not on the bubble for NCAA qualifying. Why is he in the headline? Because he’s awesome. (Photo Credit: Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Michael Phelps Explains Retiring Before 30, Says Chase Kalisz is Swimming’s New Talent to Watch
Photo Credit: WSJ
USA Swimming to Attend Sigma Gamma Rho Regional Conferences to Encourage Participation in Swimming
Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures
A look back at ACCs, with Video Interviews
Anderson Sloan was on deck in North Carolina for Men’s ACC Conference Championships for interviews and a recap. (Photo Courtesy: Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Rollason comments on the toughness of Danish Swimmers
In late January Australian coach Shannon Rollason was hired to take over the coaching duties at the Danish National Training…
2013 Women’s NCAA Picks: Olympic Trials Finalists Emerge as Favorites in Flys
Texas A&M’s Cammile Adams, without Katinka Hosszu in the way, is expected to side-breathe her way to an NCAA Championship in the 200 fly. (Photo Courtesy: Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Outex Underwater SLR Camera Accessory Created by Olympic Swimmer, Kickstarter Project Exceeds Goal In 7 Days
“Outex enables you to capture stunning underwater images!” (Photo Credit: JR deSouza)
Phelps Receives “Excellence” Honor But Usain Bolt Wins Sportsman of the Year; Swimmer Dias Wins Disability Laureus
Michael Phelps didn’t win the Sportsman of the Year Award, but won’t leave Rio empty handed. (Photo Courtesy: Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Sarah Sjostrom Swims Lifetime Best in 400 Free at Grand Prix
Sarah Sjostrom also posted a top-three-in-the-world time in the 100 freestyle on the second day of the Swedish Grand Prix. (Stock Photo: Tim Binning/TheSwimPicutres.com)